Connection Timeout with Named Pipes

  • Setup: SQL 2008 R2 Express SP1 on Windows 7

    Firewall enabled with exceptions for the following:

    UDP Port 1434

    TCP Port 1433

    Programs sqlservr.exe and sqlbrowser.exe

    We have laptop servers that work both on domain and of domain, therefore we have their db connecting with named pipes via a front end applicaton as well as when I connect to the servers individually. I have Named Pipes ordered before TCPIP for client on Config Manager as well as TCPIP disabled and Named Pipes enabled for server for Config Manager.

    My issue is when we attempt to connect to the db using either our application or SQL Management studio, we have to explicitely name named pipes or increase the timeout from the default 15 seconds to 30 + seconds otherwise the attempt times out.

    The kicker to this problem is that it didn't exist with XP and turned up last week when we upgraded the OS to Win 7

    If anyone has seen this issue and corrected it, let me know. I've googled it and it basically says to do exactly what I've already done with the firewall exceptions. This is definately a SQL Express/Win 7 issue. I've even seen a few posts out there where someone installed Standard Edition and the problem went away. Unfortunately for us it's not an option.

    Kimberly Killian
    Sr. DBA / DB Engineer
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  • Kim,

    Can you enable and test with PCPIP. Why you are not using TCP IP?

    MCTS SQL Server2k8

  • SQL express installs an instance (HOSTNAME\SQLEXPRESS), or if you set it up will create instances based on users.

    You will need to find the port which the instance is using and set that as an exception on the firewalls

  • we are using the default instance not a named instance

    Kimberly Killian
    Sr. DBA / DB Engineer
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  • we are not using TCPIP because we work off domain/off site most of the time then the users return to the office to sync using merge replication

    Kimberly Killian
    Sr. DBA / DB Engineer
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  • Kim Killian-SiteDataView (11/2/2011)

    we are using the default instance not a named instance

    If you dont specifiy an instance on the installation the default instance for express will be SQLEXPRESS, so unless you have done something on the install like force the instance name to be MSSQLSERVER you wont have a "default" instance.

  • actually if you select default instance it does use MSSQLSERVER on SQL Express...I installed it last week 15 times :w00t:

    otherwise it does do SQLExpress\instance-name like you said

    Kimberly Killian
    Sr. DBA / DB Engineer
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  • well I have to say I did not know that, only experience I have with express is the install of VS2010 when it creates a SQLEXPRESS instance, other than that I stay away from it

    why cant you use TCP/IP, granted you work off site and off the domain, but if the app is local as well as the DB on the same laptop, then it should use as the IP address

  • I, too, wonder why TCP/IP doesn't work. There are lots of companies that use this setup, running Express, connecting with TCP/IP and syncing at the office.

    You ought to be able to set the default to work with named pipes. The timeout is, I suspect, coming from trying TCP/IP and then falling back to named pipes. Is this an older connection or is it using the newer SNAC client?

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