Blog Post

MCM Live Blog – Week December 20


Watching videos?! Su-ure!

Time for the second week of blogging about the things that I’m doing to study for the MCM exam.  It seemed to go pretty good last week except for the whole screwing up the TweetMeme and ShareThis plugins on my blog.  As I mentioned in the first post, I’ve already failed this exam once and am not really up for failing again.

The overall plan for this week is to focus on reading.  The deployments from last week are done and there should be a lull in client requests.

Below will be all of the things of interest that I do while studying.  Feel free to steal the ideas since that’s why they are there.  Hopefully this will also provide some background on the depth of knowledge needed to complete this certification.

MCM Notes

Related posts:

  1. MCM Live Blog – Week December 13
  2. December PASSMN Meeting This Week
  3. Beta Exam 71-680: TS: Windows 7, Configuring


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