Limiting Exporting options on SSRS Reports

  • So we use SSRS 2008 and we have some upper management is wanting some of the exporting options to be removed from our servers.

    Specifically they only want to see the following options:





    So everything else they don't want in the drop down. Is there ANY possibility of this happening? I'm assuming this would be a reporting server issue, not sure who has access to this in my company, but hey when upper management wants stuff done, i can find out anything around here! lol

    Also is there anything within ssrs, a parameter i can turn on, something i can add in each report, that allows a user to be able to export just the raw data from the report? I've told them they can do this with CSV into excel, however apparently they have problems with this.

    So any help on either of these issues would be very helpful!

  • Ok so after some digging i found the answer to the first question i had:

    \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.<n>\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config

    This is the location of the file that needs to be changed in order to limit exporting options. Within the "Render" section of the file, the formats not needed can either be commented out or have their visible value turned to False.

    However i still need help with the second part. Is there something i can put on a report that will allow a user to export the raw data coming back to the report rather than the report itself?

  • As far as I know the CSV is about as raw as you can get. What are the problems with the CSV format as the raw data?

  • The only issue is when certian colums are calulated or boxes are hidden on the report apparently the output has issues. Also if something is calculated, the columns headers come out to be something like "Textbox52" rather than what it needs to say, and they don't want us to go in and change that every time for the report.

    I think i've found out what they want us to do. Basically they will just have us have a radio button parameter on the report. This will switch between a plain tablix with no formatting, just the columns dragged over from the dataset (this will be the "raw" data) and then the other option will be everything formatted like they want to see it.

    Again i'm not sure why they need to go through so much trouble but i guess i'll find out eventually!


  • In a CSV file the name of the column headers are the names of the textboxes where the data resides in the report. If you go right click on any individual textbox on a report (either a standalone or in a tablix, etc.) and go to Textbox Properties you can change the name there and it will flow to the CSV output. So you have an easy fix for the column headers on your calculated data.

  • Oh i know, and i've told them this, but like i was saying, they don't want us to go through the hassle of changing this every time.

    Not sure why, but thats their decision.

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