multiple datasets

  • why does this sum the totals in one filed if i choose "LA" and "OK" customers

    =IIF(TRIM(First(Fields!SUTASTAT.Value, "DataSet4")) = "OK", sum(Fields!FDWGPYRN.Value, "DataSet4"),CDbl(0))

  • It is hard to say without more details but my guess is because you are using First and the first record has a value of OK

  • That sounds right, what i had to do is a another dataset that gives me only the 1st one. Is there a way to right it where i don't have to put the first there.

  • Here are some details

    create table employee(

    EMP nvarchar (10),

    STATE nvarchar (2),

    PAYCODE nvarchar (10),

    FDWGPYRN numeric(19, 5)


    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('A', 'OK', 'DISAB', 411.51)

    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('A', 'OK', '401K', 411.51)

    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('A', 'OK', 'SALARY', 411.51)

    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('B', 'TX', 'DISAB', 311.51)

    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('B', 'TX', '401K', 311.51)

    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('B', 'TX', 'SALARY', 311.51)

    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('C', 'LA', 'DISAB', 211.51)

    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('C', 'LA', '401K', 211.51)

    insert into employee (EMP, STATE, PAYCODE, FDWGPYRN)

    values ('C', 'LA', 'SALARY', 211.51)

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