Interop.SQLDMO.dll with .NET 3.5 64-bit framework

  • We are upgrading our servers to 64-bit and also want to upgrade our code to utilize the 64-bit .NET architecture. While doing this, we have a reference to the Interop.SQLDMO.dll to view our batch jobs. After building in the 64-bit architecture, we are now getting an error trying to load our batch jobs with the message "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {100202C1-E260-11CF-AE68-00AA004A34D5} failed due to the following error: 8007045a.". We have installed the SQLServer2005 Backward Compatibility software (64-bit version) and that still is not fixing the issue. We have our code targeted to "AnyCPU" so that it will build in 64-bit version. Everything works except for the SQL DMO stuff. What else needs to be done?

  • Fixed. Incorrect version of the SQLServer2005_BC_x64.msi.

  • So, what is the correct version?

  • Looks like I have version 8.05.2309 on my machine...

  • gracias. So do I. This is working for my environment. We have a customer who may not have the correct version. Have a request out for customer to check this.



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