Field Names

  • Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to find every table in my database that has a column called 'Companyid'. Is this easy to do?

    Many thanks for any help.


  • yes very easy

    select table_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS

    where COLUMN_NAME = 'Companyid'

  • Thanks for you help.

    To take my problem one stage further, what I'm really trying to do is find every record in my database that has a companyid of 8514. How easy is that ?

  • you could use the 'undocumented' command sp_foreachTable to loop through

    but in my opinion the 'easiest' way for me would be to use this code

    select 'select * from ' + table_name + 'where ' + column_name + '= 8514' from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS

    where COLUMN_NAME = 'Companyid'

    and cut + paste the results into a query window and execute, you could make it a bit more clever by creating and executing dynamic sql if you wish

  • DECLARE @sql varchar(max)

    SET @sql = (


    ', * FROM ' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QUOTENAME(table_name) + ' WHERE CompanyId = 8514;'


    WHERE COLUMN_NAME = 'CompanyId'

    FOR XML PATH('')



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks guys. That was a great help.

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