Shift expression.

  • I am working a report where I need to group by shift (1st,2nd,3rd). The text below is a function used in a Crystal Report I have that is used to build the shift. In the function @HOUR is another function that uses an aggregate function to get the hour od the day for each record. This is written in Crystal syntax.

    StringVar DS;

    if {@HOUR} in [7.00,8.00,9.00,10.00,11.00,12.00,13.00,14.00] then

    DS:="First Shift"


    if {@HOUR} in [15.00,16.00,17.00,18.00,19.00,20.00,21.00,22.00] then

    DS:="Second Shift"


    DS:="Third Shift"

    What would be the best way to accomplish this in report designer. If you can point me to an example that would be great.

  • You didn't give us much to go on with regard to the data you have to work with, but I would be inclined to do this in the dataset. Something like

    CASE WHEN @Hour BETWEEN 7:00 AND 14:00 THEN 'First Shift"

    WHEN @Hour BETWEEN 15:00 AND 22:00 THEN 'Second Shift"

    ELSE 'Third Shift'

    END AS Shift

  • Case worked. Here's the code.

    select shift = case

    when datepart (hh,calltime) >= 7 and datepart (hh,calltime) < 15 then 'First'

    when datepart (hh,calltime) >= 15 and datepart (hh,calltime) < 23 then 'Second'

    else 'Third'



    from inmain


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