Cluster failover

  • We have 4 node cluster 3 active and 1 passive. When ever failover happens the backup job fails and could not able to locate the drive. I am getting an error "drive not available.

    Any one can provide me the solution?

    Thank you

  • Does the drive that SQL Server backing up to fail over with the SQL Cluster instance? Is there an existing physical drive on the new node with the same drive letter? Are you backing up to a drive associated with the SQL Cluster node or with the physical machine the cluster is on?

    What is the exact error?

    Hope that can help point you in the right direction.



  • What kind of drive are you backing up to. As far as I remember, SQL Server can only back up to shared disks that SQL Server has a dependency to (can be circumvented by using mountpoints), or network drives. Knowing the exact error message and the backup disk configuration would help.

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  • It is a net work share that the backup job is trying to create backup. I get an error "cannot find path" after the failover. but when I manyally type\\servername\folder then it could able to see the drive and backup is getting created...

    as you said I will look at the permission also.

  • Follow these experts advice. The Backup Drive must be owned by\available to the new active node for the backup to succeed. Please post the error message.

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • its the problem of disk configuration in cluster.

    Add your failover sql instance as possible owner for the the required disk drives.


  • pamalatha (9/14/2011)

    It is a net work share that the backup job is trying to create backup. I get an error "cannot find path" after the failover. but when I manyally type\\servername\folder then it could able to see the drive and backup is getting created...

    as you said I will look at the permission also.

    add the file share as a clustered resource in the SQL Server instance cluster group


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks a lot Crazy. I will do that ....

    I really appreciate all the people who helped me here

  • pamalatha (9/15/2011)

    Thanks a lot Crazy.

    😀 my name is Perry


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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