January 28, 2011 at 9:06 am
I'm a developer at a small company that has lost its DBA. We have a serious production issue and all the developers, who pretty well know their way around SQL but not much more, are trying to figure it out.
There is a stored procedure that runs a single query. That query is against a large table, and has a lot of parameters in the where clause and outer joins. On all test and development servers, the query returns quickly always. On the production server, when the query is run from inside SSMS, it returns quickly, no matter what the parameters are. On the production server, when called from the ASP.NET client, the query will return quickly when called for one customer (a particular parameter), and time out when called for another.
I wonder if the cached query plan for one set of parameters to the extent that other parameters cause a time out? If so, why don't we see that effect when calling the procedure from SSMS?
This query populates a main page in our product, so it is often-hit and critical.
Here is the query, with some names modified:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetIncomingOrders]
@pCompany int,
@pBusinessUnit int = NULL, -- BusinessUnitID
@pStatus int = NULL,
@pFormType int = NULL
DECLARE @Now datetime = getdate()
SELECT OrderId = o.AGInstanceId
,Region = bu.level200businessunitname
,Address1 = Address1.PartialValue
,Driver = d.Firstname + ' ' + d.Lastname
,CustomerName = coalesce(corrfname.PartialValue + ' ', fname.PartialValue + ' ', '') +
coalesce(corrlname.PartialValue, lname.PartialValue, '')
,OrderStatus = CASE
THEN 'Order being worked by <b>' + substring(u.FirstName, 1, 1) + u.LastName + '</b>'
WHEN ur_msgs.FormInstanceId IS NOT NULL
THEN 'New Message'
WHEN os.Name = 'Pending'
THEN 'Pending <br /> <b>' + isnull(wos.OrderStatus, '') + '</b>'
,TimeInQueue = CASE
WHEN datediff(second, o.CreatedDate, @Now) > 86400 THEN
convert(varchar(5), datediff(second, o.CreatedDate, @Now) / 86400) + ' day(s)'
convert(varchar(5), datediff(second, o.CreatedDate, @Now) / 3600) + ':' +
convert(varchar(5), datediff(second, o.CreatedDate, @Now) % 3600 / 60) + ':' +
convert(varchar(5), datediff(second, o.CreatedDate, @Now) % 60)
,SecondsInQueue = datediff(second, isnull(o.NextActionDate, o.CreatedDate), @Now)
,NextActionDate = isnull(o.NextActionDate, o.CreatedDate)
,HasNotes = CASE WHEN notes.FormInstanceID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
,HasMessages = CASE WHEN msgs.FormInstanceId IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
,HasUnread = CASE WHEN ur_msgs.FormInstanceId IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
FROM dbo.[FormInstances] o (nolock)
JOIN dbo.OverallOrderStatus os (nolock) ON os.ID = o.OrderStatusID
JOIN dbo.Forms sf (nolock) ON sf.FormID = o.FormID
JOIN dbo.Drivers d (nolock) ON d.AGDriverId = o.AGDriverId AND d.AGCompanyID = o.AGCompanyID
JOIN dbo.BusinessUnitLookup bu (nolock) ON bu.BusinessUnitNumber = o.BusinessUnitNumber
AND bu.AGCompanyId = @pCompany
JOIN OrderStatuses WOS ON o.WorkflowOrderStatusId = WOS.OrderStatusID
LEFT JOIN dbo.ActionSteps step (nolock) on step.ID = o.NextActionStep
LEFT JOIN ( -- Address 1 designated?
SELECT FormInstanceID, sfif.PartialValue
FROM dbo.FormInstanceFields sfif (nolock)
JOIN dbo.FormFields sff (nolock) ON sff.FormFieldID = sfif.FormFieldID
JOIN dbo.FieldUseTypes t (nolock) ON t.FieldUseTypeID = sff.FieldUseTypeID
WHERE t.FieldUseType = 'Address 1'
) Address1 ON Address1.FormInstanceID = o.FormInstanceID
LEFT JOIN ( -- Customer First Name designated?
SELECT FormInstanceID, sfif.PartialValue
FROM dbo.FormInstanceFields sfif (nolock)
JOIN dbo.FormFields sff (nolock) ON sff.FormFieldID = sfif.FormFieldID
JOIN dbo.FieldUseTypes t (nolock) ON t.FieldUseTypeID = sff.FieldUseTypeID
WHERE t.FieldUseType = 'Customer First Name' AND sfif.PartialValue <> ''
) fname ON fname.FormInstanceID = o.FormInstanceID
LEFT JOIN ( -- Corrected First Name designated?
SELECT FormInstanceID, sfif.PartialValue
FROM dbo.FormInstanceFields sfif (nolock)
JOIN dbo.FormFields sff (nolock) ON sff.FormFieldID = sfif.FormFieldID
JOIN dbo.FieldUseTypes t (nolock) ON t.FieldUseTypeID = sff.FieldUseTypeID
WHERE t.FieldUseType = 'Corrected First Name' AND sfif.PartialValue <> ''
) corrfname ON corrfname.FormInstanceID = o.FormInstanceID
LEFT JOIN ( -- Customer Last Name designated?
SELECT FormInstanceID, sfif.PartialValue
FROM dbo.FormInstanceFields sfif (nolock)
JOIN dbo.FormFields sff (nolock) ON sff.FormFieldID = sfif.FormFieldID
JOIN dbo.FieldUseTypes t (nolock) ON t.FieldUseTypeID = sff.FieldUseTypeID
WHERE t.FieldUseType = 'Customer Last Name' AND sfif.PartialValue <> ''
) lname ON lname.FormInstanceID = o.FormInstanceID
LEFT JOIN ( -- Corrected Last Name designated?
SELECT FormInstanceID, sfif.PartialValue
FROM dbo.FormInstanceFields sfif (nolock)
JOIN dbo.FormFields sff (nolock) ON sff.FormFieldID = sfif.FormFieldID
JOIN dbo.FieldUseTypes t (nolock) ON t.FieldUseTypeID = sff.FieldUseTypeID
WHERE t.FieldUseType = 'Corrected Last Name' AND sfif.PartialValue <> ''
) corrlname ON corrlname.FormInstanceID = o.FormInstanceID
LEFT JOIN ( -- messages?
FROM dbo.FormInstanceMessages (nolock)
) msgs on msgs.FormInstanceId = o.FormInstanceID
LEFT JOIN ( -- unread messages?
FROM dbo.FormInstanceMessages (nolock)
WHERE MessageRead = 0
) ur_msgs on ur_msgs.FormInstanceId = o.FormInstanceID
LEFT JOIN ( -- notes?
FROM dbo.FormInstanceNotes (nolock)
) notes ON notes.FormInstanceID = o.FormInstanceID
LEFT JOIN dbo.Users u (nolock) ON u.ID = o.BeingWorkedByID
LEFT JOIN ( -- Ignore duplicates in ServiceabilityCheckOrders.
FROM dbo.ServiceabilityCheckOrders (nolock)
) sc on SC.FormInstanceId = o.FormInstanceID
WHERE (bu.BusinessUnitID = isnull(@pBusinessUnit, bu.BusinessUnitID)
or bu.level300id = isnull(@pBusinessUnit, bu.level300id)
or bu.level200id = isnull(@pBusinessUnit, bu.level200id)
or bu.level100id = isnull(@pBusinessUnit, bu.level100id))
AND sf.FormId = isnull(@pFormType, sf.FormId)
AND o.AGCompanyId = @pCompany
AND sf.ShowsInQueue = 'true'
AND isnull(SC.FormInstanceId, 0) = 0 -- Exclude Serviceability Checks.
-- Show only New or Pending orders in the queue UNLESS they have Unread Messages.
AND (os.Name IN ('New', 'Pending') OR ur_msgs.FormInstanceId IS NOT NULL)
AND o.OrderStatusId = isnull(@pStatus, o.orderStatusId) -- Status drop-down filters on New or Pending.
ORDER BY o.CreatedDate DESC
-- Each time the order queue refreshes it should also check for unassociated messages in the message queue.
-- Check for unassociated messages for the given company.
FROM dbo.[Messages] M (nolock)
LEFT JOIN dbo.FormInstanceMessages sfim (nolock) on sfim.MessageId = m.MessageId
WHERE m.NeedsOrderAssociation = 1
AND M.AGCompanyId = @pCompany
AND sfim.MessageID IS NULL
-- See if a new message has come in on a Serviceability Check order removed from the queue.
FROM dbo.ServiceabilityCheckOrders sco (nolock)
JOIN dbo.FormInstances sfi (nolock) on sfi.FormInstanceId = sco.FormInstanceId
JOIN dbo.FormInstanceMessages sfim (nolock) on sfim.FormInstanceId = sco.FormInstanceId
AND sfim.MessageRead = 0
WHERE sfi.AGCompanyId = @pCompany
SELECT 1 as MessagesNeedAssociation
SELECT 0 as MessagesNeedAssociation
January 28, 2011 at 10:17 am
Please read the second article in my signature block below regard getting help with performance problems (or something to that effect). It will show you what you need to post to get the best help possible. Beyond that, nothing I can do to help right now.
January 28, 2011 at 10:35 am
The profound ugliness of that query is somewhat of an indication of possible issues of underlying design problems which always lead to performance problems when the volume increases.
Someone who knows what they are doing and who understands your application and the business requirements needs to be put to work.
The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.
January 28, 2011 at 11:42 am
Wow... That's a rather large query. A couple of notes. You have NOLOCK all over the place. Yes, that prevents locking, but it can lead to bad data being returned by the queries. Also, you have DISTINCT all over the place. This is an aggregation operation that is very costly.
In general, I'd reassess what you're trying to do with this query.
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
- Theodore Roosevelt
Author of:
SQL Server Execution Plans
SQL Server Query Performance Tuning
January 28, 2011 at 12:39 pm
Yeah, the query is awful. I've gone over it, and I can't improve it without changing the business requirements or getting more sanity in the (imported) data itself, both of which are out of my control.
The DBA who quit had a thing for nolock. It's in every procedure he touched.
January 28, 2011 at 1:00 pm
I haven't been able to find the slow parts of the procedure becuase it's never slow in SSMS, nor in any database except production. We can only reproduce the issue when it's run from the ASP.NET client. Restarting the database server fixes the problem for a few hours, then it resurfaces.
With no way to reproduce the issue in SSMS or on any test database, we haven't been able to diagnose which parts of the query are slow. We'd have to deploy the altered query to production and remove functionality, which we're not allowed to do.
The primary table has 220,000 rows. Supporting tables have row counts of 10 - 100.
How slow? The query either returns immediately or times out (30 second time-out). Once it starts having the issue, one company id (parameter) will return quickly, and the other times out. Each time the fix is to restart the production database server.
The two company ids have no rows in common in any of the tables referenced. One company accounts for about 90% of the data.
I wonder if the stored execution plan is so skewed toward one company that querying the other one times out, but that doens't explain why it never times out in SSMS.
January 28, 2011 at 2:20 pm
Sounds like a bad cached plan. Try adding the WITH RECOMPILE option to the store procedure.
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