How to clean up data ?

  • I have a table tblUserAccounts. This has the following fields

    UserId int,

    UserName varchar(50),

    Password varchar(20),

    ValidUpto datetime

    This contains approx 50K records. Earlier there was no password policy set in the organization. Now they are trying to implement certain rules. So I need to figure out the records whose password doesn't comply with the rules. The proposed rules are

    1. It should contain at least a number

    2. Should be of 10 char lenght

    3. Should contain one or more special characters

    4. Should start with an alphabet

    What should be the best way to do this ? How can I do this with a single query ?

  • sanujss (10/9/2011)

    I have a table tblUserAccounts. This has the following fields

    UserId int,

    UserName varchar(50),

    Password varchar(20),

    ValidUpto datetime

    This contains approx 50K records. Earlier there was no password policy set in the organization. Now they are trying to implement certain rules. So I need to figure out the records whose password doesn't comply with the rules. The proposed rules are

    1. It should contain at least a number

    2. Should be of 10 char lenght

    3. Should contain one or more special characters

    4. Should start with an alphabet

    What should be the best way to do this ? How can I do this with a single query ?

    Sample data to play around with: -

    --First, lets create some sample data to play with

    IF object_id('tempdb..#tblUserAccounts') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #tblUserAccounts


    --50,000 Random rows of data

    SELECT TOP 50000 IDENTITY(INT,1,1) AS UserId, LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(255), NEWID()),50) AS UserName,

    SUBSTRING(CONVERT(VARCHAR(255), NEWID()), 1, ABS(CAST(NEWID() AS binary(6)) % 25) + 1) AS [PassWord],

    DATEADD(DAY, 0, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, DATEADD(DAY, ABS(CAST(NEWID() AS binary(6)) % 30) + 1, GETDATE()))) AS ValidUpto

    INTO #tblUserAccounts

    FROM master.dbo.syscolumns sc1, master.dbo.syscolumns sc2

    --Add a Primary Key

    ALTER TABLE #tblUserAccounts

    ADD CONSTRAINT tblUserAccounts_PK_UserId


    Now, lets look at creating your query! 🙂

    --View Invalid PassWords

    SELECT mainTable.*

    FROM #tblUserAccounts mainTable

    INNER JOIN (SELECT UserId, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',[PassWord]) AS rule1,

    PATINDEX('%[^A-Za-z0-9]%',[PassWord]) AS rule3,

    PATINDEX('[A-Za-z]%',[PassWord]) AS rule4

    FROM #tblUserAccounts) rules ON mainTable.UserId = rules.UserId

    AND (rules.rule1 = 0 OR rules.rule3 = 0 OR rules.rule4 = 0) --Rules 1, 3 and 4

    WHERE LEN(mainTable.[PassWord]) <> 10 --Rule 2

    How's that?

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  • That's great help ... Let me play with it and get back... Thanks a lot buddy... 🙂

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