find only clients with zero transactions

  • In my table of clienthistory I want to find only those clients who have zero transactions.

    so client 1234 might have 45 line items and one line has a balance, I do not want this guy, I want client 6789 who has 30 line items but all of the balance boxes are = NULL

    i would put some samples of what I have tried, but honestly I have no idea where to start. the only things I can think of would return nulls by client or non-nulls but not a client with all nulls

  • --no transactions at all for a givien client:

    SELECT * FROM clients

    LEFT OUTER JOIN clienthistory

    ON clients.clientID = clienthistory.clientID

    WHERE clienthistory.clienthistoryID IS NULL

    --the balance of all transactions is zero.

    SELECT * FROM clients

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT clientID,SUM(transactionamt) AS TheSum FROM clienthistory GROUP BY clientID) clienthistory

    ON clients.clientID = clienthistory.clientID

    WHERE TheSum=0


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  • Would be easier with some ddl and sample data. I tossed this together which is really sparse but should show you an example of how to do this.

    create table #test


    ClientID int,

    Balance numeric(9,2)


    insert #test (ClientID, Balance)

    values (1, 23), (1, 34.56), (2, null), (2, 43.5), (3, null), (3, null)

    select *

    from #test

    select ClientID, SUM(balance)

    from #test

    group by ClientID

    having SUM(balance) is null

    That work for you?


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  • Lowell, was only working with one table.

    Sean that worked. why the heck didn't I think of summing instead of just looking for nulls....DOH!


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