Back up Issue.

  • Dear All,

    I am taking a full back up from production environment it close to &&GB on SQL server 2005 Enterprise edition through management studio.

    After that i am trying to verify the back up.

    RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM DISK = 'E:\EE\database\backup\EE_Fullbackup_15072011.bak'

    It is throwing the following error pls advice how to fix this issue.

    Msg 3189, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Damage to the backup set was detected.

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

  • Gangadhara,

    From the error message it appears that the backup set is invalid. The only option it fix this is to initiate a new backup.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Hi Pradeep,

    Yes you said i have initiated the New backup and successfully i have taken backup.

    Even after doing the tran log back up i have done the Full backup again and its now 76GB.

    When i run the verify back up query i am gettign below error in spite of that we have 230 GB of free space in the Disk drive,

    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    VERIFY DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

    Msg 701, Level 17, State 17, Line 1

    There is insufficient system memory to run this query.

  • Hi Gangadhar,

    Now backup verification is failing because of "There is insufficient system memory to run this query" error. SQL Server is running out of memory. You may try the backup verification after the instance/server is restarted.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Hi Gangadhara

    check the sql server log, are you seeing any other specific errors there around the time the RESTORE VERIFYONLY runs?

    How much memory does your server (not SQL Server but the Windows server) have total?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • the systems is having 32 Gb of memory.

    I have restarted the service for SQL server,even after restarting sql service instance i am not able to verify the back up.

    Could you pls suggest any other method.

  • What other errors do you see, if any, in the SQL server log around the time as the verify?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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