Group based on column name

  • Hello expert,

    is it possible to create a grouping object based on column name in table?

    I have for instance a table: Activities and 4 columns: Labor, Fabrication, Transport, Distribution.

    I would like to create an object which will group those columns into Manufacturing und Distribution, e.g:

    CASE WHEN Activities.ColumnName = 'Labor' THEN 'Manufacturing'

    CASE WHEN Activities.ColumnName = 'Fabrication' THEN 'Manufacturing'

    CASE WHEN Activities.ColumnName = 'Transport' THEN 'Logistik'

    CASE WHEN Activities.ColumnName = 'Distribution' THEN 'Logistik'

    END AS Activity

    How could I do it?



  • If I understand the question correctly, you want to group on a column that has been defined with a case statement.

    So you can do the following to add a group by :

    [font="Courier New"]SELECT count(*),

    CASE Activities.ColumnName

    WHEN 'Labor' THEN 'Manufacturing'

    WHEN 'Fabrication' THEN 'Manufacturing'

    WHEN 'Transport' THEN 'Logistik'

    WHEN 'Distribution' THEN 'Logistik'

    END AS Activity

    FROM Activities

    GROUP BY CASE Activities.ColumnName

    WHEN 'Labor' THEN 'Manufacturing'

    WHEN 'Fabrication' THEN 'Manufacturing'

    WHEN 'Transport' THEN 'Logistik'

    WHEN 'Distribution' THEN 'Logistik'


  • Note sure how exactly your table structure & sample data looks like.Based on your description I have guessed the structure and expected output.

    Declare @t table(Activities varchar(10),Labor varchar(10),Fabrication varchar(10),Transport varchar(10),Distribution varchar(10))

    insert @t

    select 'A','L','F','T','D'

    Select * from @t

    Select * from


    select Activities,case columns

    when 'Labor' then 'Manufacturing'

    when 'Fabrication' then 'Manufacturing'

    when 'Transport' then 'Logistik'

    when 'Distribution' then 'Logistik'

    end Activity from(

    select * from @t)t

    unpivot(col for columns in(Labor,Fabrication,Transport,Distribution))v

    )T group by Activities,Activity

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

  • Hallo SSC-Enthusiastic,

    It works.

    Many thanks for you're help.

  • Hello SSCrazy,

    sorry, I've forgenten to thank you for your help.

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