September 25, 2011 at 10:16 am
Hello Friends,
I need to join 2 tables and convert the rows in one table to columns in the result. I have attached the screenshot of the table output and expected output. Please let me know if it would be possible for us to derive the value in this format.
September 25, 2011 at 2:31 pm
Yes, it certainly is possible. Please see the following article for how to do it.
I suspect that you could someday have more than 3 "skills" listed. For how to take care of that, please see Part 2 of the above article at the following URL.
If you'd like to see some tested code out of this, screen shots just don't help in the creation of test data. Please see the following article for how to best post readily consumable data.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
September 25, 2011 at 11:49 pm
Thanks for your response. I too thought of using Pivot for this requriement. However, I am not going to do any aggregation. I just want to convert the column values in the second table as row heading in the final output. Is it possible to use pivot without doing the aggregation.
September 26, 2011 at 2:36 am
HI you can use the sql-code below
----a=first table;b=second table
declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql=''
select @sql=@sql+',max(case when skill='''+skill+''' then skill end) [skill'+skill+'],
max(case when skill='''+skill+''' then proficiency end)[proficiency]' from (select * from B)t
set @sql=STUFF(@sql,1,1,'')
set @sql='select empid,ProjID,ApplicationGrp,'+@sql+' from (select a.* ,b.skill,proficiency from a left join b on a.empid = b.empid)t group by empid,ProjID,ApplicationGrp'
print @sql
September 26, 2011 at 5:59 am
Thanks for your responses friends. I found that we must use aggregate function in the Pivot operator and i just used Min function just to retrieve the row and it worked without any issues.
I created one pivot for converting the Skill row to column and created another pivot to convert Proficiency row to column and joined these 2 pivots.
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