Group using column name or table attributes

  • Hello expert,

    is it possible to create a grouping object based on column name in table?

    I have for instance a table: Activities and 4 columns: Labor, Fabrication, Transport, Distribution.

    I would like to create an object which will group those columns into Manufacturing und Distribution, e.g:

    CASE WHEN Activities.ColumnName = 'Labor' THEN 'Manufacturing'

    CASE WHEN Activities.ColumnName = 'Fabrication' THEN 'Manufacturing'

    CASE WHEN Activities.ColumnName = 'Transport' THEN 'Logistik'

    CASE WHEN Activities.ColumnName = 'Distribution' THEN 'Logistik'

    END AS Activity

    How could I do it?



  • Please post DDL, DML to create sample data, expected results and what you have tried so far.

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