granting dbo permissions

  • i created login to add AD group in sql , i want to give dbo permissions on multiple databases to the created to provide dbo access to the group on the databases ?

  • ramyours2003 (9/20/2011)

    i created login to add AD group in sql , i want to give dbo permissions on multiple databases to the created to provide dbo access to the group on the databases ?

    I'm assumming hat you want the login to be added to the db_owner role in the database. Are you sure you want to do that and there is not some other subset of permissions you want the user to have... for example, you are sure that you want the user to be able to grant db_owner to other users?

    IF you are sure that's what you want to do:

    USE [databasename]

    EXEC [sp_grantdbaccess] @loginame =[loginyoujustcreated], @name_in_db =[probablythesame]

    -add user to role

    Exec sp_addrolemember @rolename=[db_owner], @membername= [usercreatedabove]

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