SQL Server Processes

  • Hi All,

    We have installed 4 SQL Server instances on a server.

    When we checked Processes tab Task Manager I can find 4 sqlsrvr.exe processes, is there any way to find out which process belongs to which instance ?

    Thanks in advance

    Thank You.

    Raghavender Chavva

  • Set them all to run under different user IDs.

  • Raghavender (1/2/2011)

    Hi All,

    We have installed 4 SQL Server instances on a server.

    When we checked Processes tab Task Manager I can find 4 sqlsrvr.exe processes, is there any way to find out which process belongs to which instance ?

    Thanks in advance

    On task manager if you click 'View' 'Select Columns' and then add PID you will see a process ID column for each process.

    If you then go to SQL Server configuration manager and selet the properties of each service for each instance, on the service tab will have a process id these will match up to each process in task manager.

    Gethyn Elliswww.gethynellis.com

  • To add to what Gethyn had already explained, you can find the Process ID of SQL server in SQL Server Error Log.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Blog: sqldbadiaries.com
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Alternative method: save this code as filename.vbs and run as cscript filename.vbs


    '*****code *****[/p]

    [p]strComputer = "."[/p]

    [p]strStr = ""[/p]

    [p]Set objWMIService = GetObject( _[/p]

    [p] "winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") [/p]

    [p]Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _[/p]

    [p] "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process" & _[/p]

    [p] " WHERE Name = 'sqlservr.exe'",,48) [/p]

    [p]For Each objItem in colItems [/p]

    [p] strStr = strStr & "CommandLine: " & objItem.CommandLine & vbCRLF[/p]


    [p]Wscript.Echo strStr[/p]

  • Thank You EveryOne for your help.

    Thank You.

    Raghavender Chavva

  • Another way - easier perhaps, if the security policy lets you - is to install Process Explorer (get it from here :- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653 ). Just search for the sqlservr.exe process, it will list the IDs.

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