Finding details of MSDB SSIS packages

  • My developers deploy their SSIS packages to the MSDB so I can schedule SQL jobs to kick off the packages.

    Question - is there a way to find the SSIS solution that contains the package that has been deployed to MSDB?

    For example, I have a job that kicks off an SSIS package, I want to know the name of the integration services solution that contains the package that has been deployed so it can be edited. Yet ... know one knows where this package came from (sigh)

    Recently, we started to denote in the Package's properties under Description, the Solution name and some detailed information of the package so I can easily find this information. But I'm thinking there's got to be an easier way to connect the dots betweeen MSDB and the actual SSIS solution/project/package.

    Any advice?? TIA!

  • In short no, the solutions and the packages are not inter-related in the DB at all. You could do a search in source control for the package name, which is assuming you have source control.

    Also, SSIS has a directory concept like file directories, I would recommend using them to segregate packages into some logical grouping.

    dumping them all into the root of MSDB is asking for the same trouble that we had in DTS where there was just one big list of packages and no great way to group them without strict naming conventions.


  • Thanks Elliott! Yes, we just started using the folders for our SSIS packages, which is really what started this quest. "What are all these packages - are where are they being used!"

    I guess with anything there are growing pains and lessons to be learned ... hence document document document! Thanks again!

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