Blog Post

Why is SQLSaturday Such a Big Secret?


One of the small mysteries of the universe that I have been pondering lately is the fact that so many SQL Server professionals have never heard of SQLSaturday. When I was at SQLConnections in Las Vegas last week, I heard a couple of other speakers ask their audiences whether they had ever heard of SQLSaturday, and in both cases, less than 10% of the audience said that they had. During my Birds of a Feather duty at the database mirroring table today at PASS, I made a point of asking people if they had heard of SQLSaturday, and none of my attendees (about 20 people) had heard of it. Now I realize, this is just anecdotal evidence, but it seems to hint at a possible opportunity to expand the market for SQLSaturday if we can just do a better job of getting the word out.

Now I am not a marketing guru, so I don’t know they best way to attack this problem. I do know that I will make a point of mentioning SQLSaturday whenever I get a chance to speak in public. It just seems like such a shame that more people are not aware of SQLSaturday…


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