My organization is being using Sql server 2000 from past years, now they want to move to the SQl Server 2008

  • My organization is being using Sql server 2000 from past years, now they want to move to SQl Server 2008.

    1) Does all the features that were provided by Sql server 2000 will be suppported by Sql Serve 2008?

    2) Which version Standard/Enterprise of Sql server 2008 should we go for?

    Also can anyone give me a comparision of features between Sql server 2000 Sql Server 20008(Standard/EnterPrise) editions

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Gaurav Kothari

  • 1) Does all the features that were provided by Sql server 2000 will be suppported by Sql Serve 2008?

    Full support of legacy applications

    2) Which version Standard/Enterprise of Sql server 2008 should we go for?

    Its depend on the requirement visit this link to check the edition features and decide accordingly

    Current Scenerio of SQL Server 2000

    Application Version ?

    Server Specfication ?

    Syed Jahanzaib Bin Hassan

    My Blog

  • Hello Syed,

    Thanks for the reply.

    We are using Sql Server 2000 enterprise edition and most probably we will be moving to Sql server 2008 Standard edition.

    In addition to this i read that some of the features like indexed views etc. are not supported in Sql server 2008, that why i am having a bit concerned

    The Sql server will be hosted on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise edtion Service pack 2.

  • Where the heck did you read that? I've seen indexed views in 2K8!

  • gaurav.kothari 39274

    Take a test/Dev server use the upgrade advisor and test it your app fully.

    Muthukkumaran Kaliyamoorthy

  • i dont remember the exact blog url, but it was there in one of the blogs, that raised my eyebrow

  • Thanks Muthukkumaran

    Currently i am running that tool.

  • Syed Jahanzaib Bin hassan (6/20/2011)

    1) Does all the features that were provided by Sql server 2000 will be suppported by Sql Serve 2008?

    Full support of legacy applications

    I'd be very careful about that statement. "Full" support is just not true. To take a very small example, ANSI 89 outer joins are no longer supported. There are actuall some bigger, though somewhat obscure, things that are not supported either, DMO, Surface Area Configuration Tool, sqlmaint, and others.

    Indexed views are absolutely not on the list, but it's not a full set of support. Stuff does get dropped.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • As stated the use of the upgrade advisor will inform you of anything you need to change or rectify to allow you to migrate. On a dev\ test environment either build a new 2008 instance on new server or a side by side install and migrate. I would recommend staying away from an inplace upgrade.

    MCITP Database Admin 2008
    MCITP Database Admin 2008
    MCITP Database Dev 2008

  • Hi grant,

    As you said ANSI 89 outer joins are no longer supported in 2008, I have one doubt. If we change the database compatiblity level to SQL server 2000, will it then support ANSI 89 outer join?

    //All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them//

  • There might be a confusion between indexed views and "ordered" views.

    In SS2K it's possible to control the order of the rows returned via ORDER BY in the view definition.

    SS2K8 will simply ignore it. As far as I remember, the upgrade advisor didn't catch it.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Have you had a chance to go thru this

    google > direct upgrade from sql 2000 to sql 2008

    the first link is a comprehensive guide for upgrade from sql 2000 to sql 2008.

    The upgrade advisor is a good start but there are other considerations discussed in this white paper.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • LutzM (6/21/2011)

    There might be a confusion between indexed views and "ordered" views.

    In SS2K it's possible to control the order of the rows returned via ORDER BY in the view definition.

    SS2K8 will simply ignore it. As far as I remember, the upgrade advisor didn't catch it.

    Whilst Indexed Views are obviously supported in SQL Server 2008, they cannot be utilised by queries in Standard Edition without code changes (the NOEXPAND hint). Only Enterprise edition will consider using an indexed view to satisfy a query without using NOEXPAND.

  • HowardW (6/21/2011)

    LutzM (6/21/2011)

    There might be a confusion between indexed views and "ordered" views.

    In SS2K it's possible to control the order of the rows returned via ORDER BY in the view definition.

    SS2K8 will simply ignore it. As far as I remember, the upgrade advisor didn't catch it.

    Whilst Indexed Views are obviously supported in SQL Server 2008, they cannot be utilised by queries in Standard Edition without code changes (the NOEXPAND hint). Only Enterprise edition will consider using an indexed view to satisfy a query without using NOEXPAND.


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