
  • select Account_Number,Subscriber_Name,Paper_Publication_code,Rate from circ.subscriptions

    I have Account_Number,Subscriber_Name,Paper_Publication_code,Rate in my report..

    Actually Paper_Publication_code has values from 1 to 100. I want to restrict and see only 0 to 50. I don't want to write a where clause in SQL. Using VB script i want to restrict that in SSRS report. Can someone help me with the VB syntax. Thanks.

  • If you can't restrict the original query, then add a filter to the dataset that restricts the result. This is way easier than trying to do something in VB/SSRS. But, the best way is to filter the original query unless you need the original query the way it is for other purposes.

  • Daniel Bowlin (6/10/2011)

    If you can't restrict the original query, then add a filter to the dataset that restricts the result. This is way easier than trying to do something in VB/SSRS. But, the best way is to filter the original query unless you need the original query the way it is for other purposes.

    Thanks i got it. I have one more question. How do i set the filter if i don't want to see the values from 20 to 50. I mean pubs not between 20 and 50.

    operator : ?

    Value ??

    Thanks in advance

  • So you want to see 1 - 19 and 51 - 100?

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