File Size, Space used, space left question

  • I have the following database details

    Database_Name|| File_Type|| File_Sizein_MB|| Space_used_in_MB||Space_left_in_MB



    This database does not have restricted maximum file size. My question is, what happens once the Space_Left_in_MB(117) is filled up? Is it something I need to get concerned about? I am curios to know what happens to the datafile size since there is no restricted maximum file_size .

    I hope my question makes sense.!:hehe:

    Thank you.

  • If the file fills, it'll grow. Not having a max size means it's allowed to grow up to 16TB (assuming need and drive space)

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • It will grow by the amount you set it (in mbs or %).

    The best pratice is to figure out the amount of space that db will be needed 6-12 months down the road and presize it to that.

    Sql files are like normal files, they can fragment on the drives and you want to avoid that as much as possible.

    Also multiple internal file growths can cause another sort of internal fragmentation (read all 3 articles) :

  • Thank you for the reply.

    My database is about 50 G for right now, if I presize it to say 60G for next 12 months. I assume end of the 12 months depending upon how much it grows I then again have to presize it?

    Sorry for the ignorance but I am glad that I am learning stuffs here...:-)

  • Do you take regular backups and do you keep the full history of msdb? If so I can give you a pretty darn good estimate of the growth based on actual growth in the past.

  • We keep daily back ups of the database but unfortunately we don not keep the msdb history.

  • Guras (8/10/2011)

    We keep daily back ups of the database but unfortunately we don not keep the msdb history.

    Well you could at least stop deleting it... In the mean time here's what I use. There's a little bug if you have multiple data files. It won't give you the correct date for when you'll run out of room. But other than that the daily, monthly and yearly growth estimates are spot on.

    It's just better to have a lot of history.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbs') > 0

    DROP TABLE #dbs

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Drives') > 0

    DROP TABLE #Drives

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') > 0

    DROP TABLE #Results



    DBNAME sysname

    , DBID INT

    , [Total Size in MB] INT

    , [Available Space In MB] INT

    , DriveLetter CHAR(1)






    , DBID

    , [Total Size in MB]

    , [Available Space In MB]

    , DriveLetter


    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '

    USE [?];



    , DB_ID() AS DBID

    , SUM(size / 128) AS ''Total Size in MB''

    , SUM(size / 128 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name , ''SpaceUsed'') AS int) / 128) AS ''Available Space In MB''

    , LEFT(physical_name, 1) AS DriveLetter




    type_desc = ''ROWS''

    GROUP BY LEFT(physical_name, 1) '

    CREATE TABLE #Drives



    , FreeMBs INT NOT NULL

    , FreeGBs AS CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 2) , FreeMBs / 1024.0)



    #Drives ( DriverLetter , FreeMBs )

    EXEC xp_fixeddrives



    -- DB_NAME() As DBNAME

    -- , DB_ID() AS DBID

    -- , SUM(size / 128) AS 'Total Size in MB'

    -- , SUM(size / 128 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name , 'SpaceUsed') AS int) / 128) AS 'Available Space In MB'


    -- sys.database_files


    -- type_desc = 'ROWS'

    --Rémi : I deleted 4 logging tables I had build on March 25th, hence the ±350 MB drop.


    WITH CTE_Backups ( database_name, BackupDate, MinutesForBackup, GB_backup_size, seqFirst, seqLast )

    AS (



    , DATEADD(D , 0 , DATEDIFF(D , 0 , bs.backup_start_date)) AS BackupDate

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 1) , DATEDIFF(s , bs.backup_start_date ,


    / 60.0) AS MinutesForBackup

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , bs.backup_size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) AS GB_backup_size

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY bs.database_name ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date ) AS seqFirst

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY bs.database_name ORDER BY bs.backup_start_date DESC ) AS seqLast


    msdb.dbo.backupset bs


    bs.[type] = 'D'

    AND bs.is_snapshot = 0 --veem agent that backups the whole server

    -- AND bs.database_name NOT LIKE '%ate%'

    -- AND name IS NULL



    CONVERT(INT , dtBackups.[Available Space In GB]

    / CASE WHEN dtBackups.GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth <> 0

    THEN dtBackups.GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth

    ELSE 0.0001

    END) AS DaysUntillDBGrowth

    , *

    -- INTO

    -- #Results





    , dbs.DriveLetter

    , drv.FreeGBs AS FreeGBs_Drive

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , drv.FreeGBs * 0.85

    / NULLIF(b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size, 0)

    / NULLIF(DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate), 0) * 30.468) AS FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth

    , a.BackupDate AS BackupDate_First

    , b.BackupDate AS BackupDate_Last

    , DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate) AS DaysPeriod

    , a.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_First

    , b.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_Last

    , b.MinutesForBackup - a.MinutesForBackup AS MinutesForBackup_Delta

    , a.GB_backup_size AS GB_backup_size_First

    , b.GB_backup_size AS GB_backup_size_Last

    , b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size AS GB_BackupGrowth

    --, a.seqLast - a.seqFirst AS QtyofBackups

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , ( b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size )

    / NULLIF(DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate), 0)) AS GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , ( b.GB_backup_size - a.GB_backup_size )

    / NULLIF(DATEDIFF(dd , a.BackupDate , b.BackupDate), 0) * 365.256) AS GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , dbs.[Total Size in MB] / 1024.0) AS [Total Size in GB]

    , CONVERT(DECIMAL(18 , 3) , dbs.[Available Space In MB] / 1024.0) AS [Available Space In GB]


    CTE_Backups a

    INNER JOIN CTE_Backups b

    ON a.seqFirst = b.seqLast

    AND a.seqLast = b.seqFirst

    AND a.database_name = b.database_name

    INNER JOIN #dbs dbs

    ON b.database_name = dbs.DBNAME

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #Drives drv

    ON dbs.DriveLetter = drv.DriverLetter


    a.seqFirst = 1

    AND a.seqFirst + a.seqLast > 2 --would always warn on the first day

    ) dtBackups




    -- *

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth >= 0 AND R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1

    -- OR R.DaysUntillDBGrowth >= 0 AND R.DaysUntillDBGrowth <= 30 )

    -- BEGIN


    -- dbo.RPT_Space_Warnings

    -- (

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , [Warning_Description]

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- )

    -- SELECT

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , CASE WHEN R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1 THEN 'HD IS FULL' ELSE 'AUTOGROWTH WARNING' END AS Warning_Description

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.DaysUntillDBGrowth >= 0 AND R.DaysUntillDBGrowth <= 30

    --UNION ALL -- I want to see 2 warnings in the same day when it's the case... those are the really critical events.

    -- SELECT

    -- [DaysUntillDBGrowth]

    -- , CASE WHEN R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth < 1 THEN 'HD IS FULL_' ELSE 'AUTOGROWTH WARNING_' END AS Warning_Description

    -- , [database_name]

    -- , [DriveLetter]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive]

    -- , [FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth]

    -- , [BackupDate_First]

    -- , [BackupDate_Last]

    -- , [DaysPeriod]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_First]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Last]

    -- , [MinutesForBackup_Delta]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_First]

    -- , [GB_backup_size_Last]

    -- , [GB_BackupGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedDailyGrowth]

    -- , [GB_ExpectedAnnualGrowth]

    -- , [Total Size in GB]

    -- , [Available Space In GB]

    -- FROM

    -- #Results R

    -- WHERE

    -- R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth >= 0 AND R.FreeGBs_Drive_InMonths_WithExpected_DB_Growth <= 1

    -- END

    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbs') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #dbs


    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Drives') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #Drives


    --IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') > 0

    -- DROP TABLE #Results


  • One more question...

    Database_Name|| File_Type|| File_Sizein_MB|| Space_used_in_MB||Space_left_in_MB



    What does Space_left_in_MB mean? IS it the current db size 54g will not grow unless the space 25G is filled up?

    Is it the same with the transaction log file too?

    Thanks for the help.

  • Yes, you set the files for 100GB, but if there's only 10 GB of used space then there's 90 GB available for inserts / updates.

  • Thanks a ton Ninja!

  • My boss is saying if the space used is 10GB then the database size should have been 10GB, why it's 100GB? I am trying to explain that remining 90GB is the free space available, but he does not believe it.

    He is saying may be the file is fragmented with unused space appearing in between that blew up the size of the database to 100GB.

    How can I explain in a better and "understandable" way to him ? Heeelp!

    Thank you all!

  • A 2 litre water bottle with 500ml of water in it is still a 2 litre water bottle, it just has a lot of free space in it.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I like you answer ! 😀

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