Retrieve User/Principal who executed an alter trigger statment

  • Hi,

    This is my first post on SSC but I refer to it often and love it! 😀

    I'm a Software Engineer and manage to get by on SQL but I have a problem where I need to obtain details on who disabled some triggers at a database level.

    I've been looking through the sys. views but cannot seem to piece together what I need. I see that SQL Server 2008 R2 delivers an auditing solution but this occurred on SQL Server 2005 and there is no custom auditing such as DDL triggers.

    Is it possible??


  • it's a petty for us all, but "disable trigger" is not a ddl statement !

    So you cannot capture it with a ddl trigger.

    We have the same issue as you have, we have db-level triggers to capture object creation and only allow udf and sproc for regular project leaders. Only members of the DBA group are allowed for table creation ,...

    We discovered our db-trigger got disabled, but weren't able to track who did it.

    I recall reading "they" may make it a ddl operation in V-next, but as for now, we stay with this soft spot.

    edited ref:


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  • How strange. Thanks for replying, makes sense.

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