RS 2008 Installation

  • I have a new server running W2K8 R2 and SQL Standard 2008 R2. I plan on installing Reporting Services and migrating our old reports to it. I also have a new Web server running W2k8 R2 as well. Reports will be accessible several ways.

    1. Through subscriptions

    2. Through .net applications/websites

    3. Through secured authentication in the reporting services website.

    My current RS configuration has RS installed on the DB server so the web hosting is done on the DB server.

    I've considered moving the RS Server to the new web server so the "hosting" is done by a dedicated web server and not the DB server. I assume the RS databases would still reside on the DB Server.

    Is this a common approach? If so does it require additional SQL licensing? What is the best practice approach for a RS installation?

    I'm unfamiliar with the changes to RS in regards to setup/installation. TIA.

  • Okay.. so I dug into the Books Online which was pretty useful.... but it doesn't suggest any "best practice" from what I can tell.

    It appears RS has it's own webservice so I guess it's not neccessary to run IIS anymore to host it.

    My concern was having a publically accessible DB server so I was leaning more towards having RS webservice installed on the publically facing web server.

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