SQL Saturday #56, Dallas BI edition, is tomorrow. Last night before the NTSSUG meeting, we had an unusually high number of SQLSat speakers unexpectedly drop out. The other UG board members and event planners are already up to their eyeballs in sessions (Sean’s giving three tomorrow!), so I was asked to put something together.
In about 24 hours.
On BI.
Um. Sure!
I recognize that this isn’t a really good advertisement for my Ground Zero SSRS session tomorrow – “Come one, come all, to the throw-together!” – but on the other hand, you might want to be there to see if I train-wreck!
I was talking about this with Sean, and noted that six months ago, this would have thrown me into a frenzy of panic. But this year I’ve become a moderately experienced speaker: two UG meetings, three SQL Saturdays, and a 24HOP go a VERY long way toward easing the nerves when something like this comes up.
Here’s hoping (and writing)…
Happy days,
Jen McCown
BTW, if you’re not signed up for tomorrow’s SQL Saturday and you’re dying to get in, ping me – I believe we’re in need of volunteers!
AND on a similar note, NTSSUG member and SQL Saturday organizer extraordinaire David Stein has put together a wonderful blog today called Presenting Epiphanies. He really captures the nervous-to-trance process of presenting a session…