Converting money to varchar still gives me the values in my result set. HELP~~!

  • Why is the query below still giving me .0000 in my result?

    SELECT A.MerchantLocationID, ML.MerchLocName, ML.MerchLocContact, ML.MerchLocPhoneNumber, A.AccountNumber, A.CashPurse1 as CurrentBalance

    FROM Transactions T

    JOIN dbo.MerchantLocations ML on T.MerchantLocationID = ML.MerchantLocationID

    JOIN Accounts A ON T.AccountNumber=A.AccountNumber

    JOIN (SELECT AccountNumber, MAX(TransID) as LastTransID

    FROM Transactions

    GROUP BY AccountNumber) X ON X.LastTransID=T.TransID

    JOIN TransactionType Y ON T.TransType = Y.TransactionType

    WHERE CONVERT(varchar, A.CashPurse1) <> ('.0000')

  • Did you try

    WHERE A.CashPurse1 < > 0

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  • Lutz,

    I didn't think of that, but it worked!!! YOU ROCK!!!

    Thanks much!!!


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