Datetime issue while selecting

  • Dear All,

    I have a table with 5 column out of which one column datatyp is "Datetime"

    ID,Country,Dateruled Isactive

    Ex: 1,India,Rural,2008-05-15 18:30:00.000 ACTIVE

    The datatype for the Dateruled column is of Datetime.

    When i query a table using

    select * from <tablename> where Dateruled='2008-05-15'

    will not result any result set even though we have records.But when i use

    select * from <tablename> where Dateruled>='2008-05-15'

    It shows all the records above that date.

    Could somebody help me to how do we fetch the records for that date.



  • Gangadhara MS (6/3/2011)

    Dear All,

    I have a table with 5 column out of which one column datatyp is "Datetime"

    ID,Country,Dateruled Isactive

    Ex: 1,India,Rural,2008-05-15 18:30:00.000 ACTIVE

    The datatype for the Dateruled column is of Datetime.

    When i query a table using

    select * from <tablename> where Dateruled='2008-05-15'

    will not result any result set even though we have records.But when i use

    select * from <tablename> where Dateruled>='2008-05-15'

    It shows all the records above that date.

    Could somebody help me to how do we fetch the records for that date.



    The likely problem is that your dates also include a time component, which is throwing out your selection. To ignore that time component, you need to refine your query a little (untested):

    SELECT *

    FROM tablename

    WHERE CAST(DATEDIFF(dd, 0, Dateruled) AS DATETIME) = '2008-05-15'

  • keep in mind datetime holds date and time.

    Your predicate looks for yourdatecol="2011-06-02 00:00:00.000'


    Oh please don't use a date conversion function because it will avoid an index being used in the most optimal way !!

    Write the query like:

    Where yourdatecol >= "2011-06-02 00:00:00.000'

    and yourdatecol <'"2011-06-03 00:00:00.000'


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