• Dear Experts,

    I would like to create a trigger that makes an update only on INSERT of a data record. I have created one but it tends to update all the rows of the particular table which could lead to performance issues should the table grow to over a million records.

    I am using AFTER INSERT command, I think this could be the problem. Is there a different command that would restrict the trigger to work only on the given row record and not update all table rows ?

    Kind Regards,

  • An after insert trigger is exactly what you need. You've probably just forgotten to use the table Inserted to identify which rows were affected by the insert statement.

    i.e. you need something like this:

    create trigger taiMyTable

    on dbo.MyTable

    for insert

    not for replication



    if @@rowcount = 0


    set nocount on;

    update c


    colX = i.colY

    from dbo.My2ndTable c

    inner join Inserted i on (i.ID = c.ID)


    Functionally, what this trigger does is update colX in dbo.My2ndTable with the value you just inserted into colX in dbo.MyTable on the rows that have the same ID value in both tables.

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • Thanks, but what does the part :- 'for insert not for replication mean'. On which table is the trigger on ?

  • martin.edward (9/14/2010)

    Thanks, but what does the part :- 'for insert not for replication mean'. On which table is the trigger on ?

    The trigger is on the table specified after the "ON" keyword. For full details, please refer: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa258254(SQL.80).aspx

    Thanks & Regards,
    Nakul Vachhrajani.

    Follow me on
    Twitter: @sqltwins

  • martin.edward (9/14/2010)

    Thanks, but what does the part :- 'for insert not for replication mean'. On which table is the trigger on ?

    Trigger is for Insert operation. This trigger is not executed during replication if you have setup the replication.

    You can refer Nakul's link for more details.


  • why are you using trigger? where is your sql insert code. why don't you put the update code after the insert code? if possible then do this and get rid of the trigger.

    you must know that triggers are not good and should be avoided as much as possible. use triggers only when no option is left or any other option is much costlier than using trigger.

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