August 28, 2010 at 3:12 pm
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Make string columns unicode compliant
August 30, 2010 at 6:09 am
Thank you for posting this script to help standardize a database. I think it may come in handy for updating the fields in ours. It would be nice too if the script could also parse through the user created functions and stored procedures within a database and find the non-unicode compliant characters in them too.
August 30, 2010 at 6:45 am
I fully agree - I was going to add support for changing data types in stored procedures and UDFs too, but since the database I wrote this for used neither I couldn't justify the time at work!! However, I already have scripts for re-assembling stored procedures so I might well add that support sometime soon when work is a little less chaotic. Mind you, considering that it would involve a lot of string manipulation I'd err on the side of utilising the CLR as it is more efficient at that sort of work. It's something I might have a look at sometime soon, but in the meantime there's quite a few scripts flying about to get hold of stored procedures and functions from a database so it could be an interesting project for someone! 😀
August 30, 2010 at 8:46 am
Thank you for the useful and very compact script. While I understand not supporting SQL 2008 features like filtered indexes and data compression, you're also missing support for include columns.
See[/url] for references, though your code is much more streamlined.
Also, in your legal disclaimer, wrods->words.
August 30, 2010 at 9:50 am
Good spot! I had fully intended to do include columns and forgot. That's something rather useful so I probably will add support for those. This was something of a rush job after a director sprung a demo to a client on us with short notice so there may be one or two errors!
August 30, 2010 at 10:28 am
May as well let you know: MSUT -> MUST
Have a good day.
August 30, 2010 at 1:39 pm
Here's a variant for FK's and CK's that fully mirrors the Trusted/Untrusted, Enabled/Disabled states (it also generates more than one column at once, suitable for greater automation).
If you're going to set things back "the same as they were", then disabled constraints should stay disabled until your constraint maintenance handles them.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[#CheckSQL]'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[#CheckSQL]
s.[name] AS OriginalSchemaName
,t.[name] AS OriginalTableName
,co.[name] AS OrginalConstraintName
,'ALTER TABLE [' + s.[name] + '].[' + t.[name] + '] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + co.[name] + '] ' AS DropCheckSQL
,'ALTER TABLE [' + s.[name] + '].[' + t.[name] + '] WITH '
+ CASE WHEN co.[is_disabled] = 0 AND co.[is_not_trusted] = 0 THEN 'CHECK'
+ ' ADD CONSTRAINT [' + co.[name] + '] CHECK (' + co.[definition] + ') ' AS CreateCheckSQL
,CASE WHEN co.[is_disabled] = 1 THEN 'ALTER TABLE [' + s.[name] + '].[' + t.[name] + '] NOCHECK CONSTRAINT [' + co.[name] + ']'
END AS NocheckCheckSQL
FROM sys.check_constraints co
INNER JOIN sys.tables t
ON t.[object_id] = co.[parent_object_id]
INNER JOIN sys.schemas s
ON s.[schema_id] = t.[schema_id]
WHERE t.[type] = 'U'--Ensure we only look at user tables.
ORDER BY t.[name], co.[name]
SELECT * FROM #CheckSQL ORDER BY OriginalTableName, OrginalConstraintName
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[#ForeignSQL]'))
DROP TABLE [dbo].[#ForeignSQL]
s1.[name] AS OriginalSchemaName
,stParent.[name] AS OriginalTableName
,fk.[name] AS OriginalConstraintName
,'ALTER TABLE [' + s1.[name] + '].[' + stParent.[name] + '] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + fk.[name] + '] ' AS DropForeignSQL
,'ALTER TABLE [' + s1.[name] + '].[' + stParent.[name] + '] WITH '
+ CASE WHEN fk.[is_disabled] = 0 AND fk.[is_not_trusted] = 0 THEN 'CHECK'
+ ' ADD CONSTRAINT [' + fk.[name] + '] FOREIGN KEY (' +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey1] = 0 THEN '' ELSE '[' + c1.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey2] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c2.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey3] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c3.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey4] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c4.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey5] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c5.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey6] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c6.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey7] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c7.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey8] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c8.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey9] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c9.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey10] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c10.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey11] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c11.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey12] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c12.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey13] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c13.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey14] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c14.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey15] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c15.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[fkey16] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c16.[name] + ']' END +
') REFERENCES [' + s2.[name] + '].[' + stReferences.[name] + '](' +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey1] = 0 THEN '' ELSE '[' + c17.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey2] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c18.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey3] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c19.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey4] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c20.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey5] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c21.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey6] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c22.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey7] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c23.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey8] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c24.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey9] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c25.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey10] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c26.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey11] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c27.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey12] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c28.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey13] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c29.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey14] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c30.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey15] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c31.[name] + ']' END +
CASE WHEN r.[rkey16] = 0 THEN '' ELSE ', [' + c32.[name] + ']' END +
') ' AS CreateForeignSQL
,CASE WHEN fk.[is_disabled] = 1 THEN 'ALTER TABLE [' + s1.[name] + '].[' + stParent.[name] + '] NOCHECK CONSTRAINT [' + fk.[name] + ']'
END AS NocheckForeignSQL
INTO #ForeignSQL
FROM sys.foreign_keys fk
INNER JOIN sys.sysreferences r
ON r.[constid] = fk.[object_id]
INNER JOIN sys.tables stParent
ON stParent.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid]
AND stParent.[type] = 'U'--Ensure we only look at user tables.
INNER JOIN sys.tables stReferences
ON stReferences.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid]
INNER JOIN sys.schemas s1
ON s1.[schema_id] = stParent.[schema_id]
INNER JOIN sys.schemas s2
ON s2.[schema_id] = stReferences.[schema_id]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c1 ON c1.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c1.[column_id] = r.[fkey1]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c2 ON c2.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c2.[column_id] = r.[fkey2]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c3 ON c3.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c3.[column_id] = r.[fkey3]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c4 ON c4.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c4.[column_id] = r.[fkey4]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c5 ON c5.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c5.[column_id] = r.[fkey5]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c6 ON c6.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c6.[column_id] = r.[fkey6]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c7 ON c7.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c7.[column_id] = r.[fkey7]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c8 ON c8.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c8.[column_id] = r.[fkey8]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c9 ON c9.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c9.[column_id] = r.[fkey9]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c10 ON c10.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c10.[column_id] = r.[fkey10]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c11 ON c11.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c11.[column_id] = r.[fkey11]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c12 ON c12.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c12.[column_id] = r.[fkey12]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c13 ON c13.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c13.[column_id] = r.[fkey13]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c14 ON c14.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c14.[column_id] = r.[fkey14]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c15 ON c15.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c15.[column_id] = r.[fkey15]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c16 ON c16.[object_id] = r.[fkeyid] AND c16.[column_id] = r.[fkey16]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c17 ON c17.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c17.[column_id] = r.[rkey1]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c18 ON c18.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c18.[column_id] = r.[rkey2]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c19 ON c19.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c19.[column_id] = r.[rkey3]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c20 ON c20.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c20.[column_id] = r.[rkey4]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c21 ON c21.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c21.[column_id] = r.[rkey5]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c22 ON c22.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c22.[column_id] = r.[rkey6]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c23 ON c23.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c23.[column_id] = r.[rkey7]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c24 ON c24.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c24.[column_id] = r.[rkey8]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c25 ON c25.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c25.[column_id] = r.[rkey9]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c26 ON c26.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c26.[column_id] = r.[rkey10]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c27 ON c27.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c27.[column_id] = r.[rkey11]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c28 ON c28.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c28.[column_id] = r.[rkey12]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c29 ON c29.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c29.[column_id] = r.[rkey13]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c30 ON c30.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c30.[column_id] = r.[rkey14]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c31 ON c31.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c31.[column_id] = r.[rkey15]
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.columns c32 ON c32.[object_id] = r.[rkeyid] AND c32.[column_id] = r.[rkey16]
SELECT * FROM #ForeignSQL ORDER BY OriginalTableName, OriginalConstraintName
August 30, 2010 at 3:41 pm
It already does pay attention to trusted/untrusted and enabled/disabled status - and generates all columns without the need for loops/cursor or temp tables.
August 30, 2010 at 3:52 pm
It doesn't actually disable constraints that were previously disabled; run a quick test and see for yourself.
August 30, 2010 at 4:22 pm
I hate to use the old developers refrain worked on my db. There were several constraints which had been disabled and they were again afterwards. I will re check this but I'm pretty certain it does this already.
August 30, 2010 at 4:22 pm
I hate to use the old developers refrain worked on my db. There were several constraints which had been disabled and they were again afterwards. I will re check this but I'm pretty certain it does this already.
August 30, 2010 at 4:30 pm
Hmmm; I'm testing on SQL 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition.
August 30, 2010 at 5:13 pm
Cool, thanks for the info. Will test the same when I get a chance and confirm.
September 1, 2010 at 9:00 am
Hmmm...clearly some brain melt going on from my end. Serves me right for checking this on my phone whilst out drinking! I'm going to amend the script to grab include columns (I though about doing them before, as I recall, but since the DB I was working on had none I didn't bother to save time, but it'll annoy me if I don't!) and yes, the constraints aren't coming up disabled/untrusted. Again, omission on my part. Oh well, never said it was complete or perfect!! Neither are insurmountable things for a competent develoepr to add, but I'll re-post the script once II have the time to make my amendments.
September 1, 2010 at 9:22 am
Feel free to use the alterations I posts on Page 1; they properly handle trust/untrust and enabled/disabled, using the best of your code from Check and FK constraints.
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)
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