sql server aliases

  • Hi,

    What is the difference between creating an Alias using SQL Configuration manager and creating an Alias using SQL Server client Network utility?

    Does both come along with SQL Server 2005 installation?

    Recently i have run into an issue where in am not able to connect to sql server using server name (default instance) but i was able to connect using IP and '.'.

    I have checked if there is any alias which is cofigured in SQL Server configuration for sql server which is causing the problem.

    Later we found that when we open up the SQL Server Client network utility we found an Alias with the server name. I clicked on Edit and saw the properties of the Alias.

    An the server name and port no 1433 was given correctly and only one thing i observed is multiprotocol was selected in the Alias.

    What does Multi protocol mean? In sql config mgr i see Shared memory,TCP/IP and named pipes and enabled due to this alias i was not able to connect to SQL using server name.

    Note: the name of the Alias and server name both are same. If that is the case , then it should allowed me to connect to sql but it did nt allowed me.

    Is there anything wrong in choosing the multiprotocol???

    Books Online also says


    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 does not support the Banyan VINES Sequenced Packet Protocol (SPP), Multiprotocol, AppleTalk, or NWLink IPX/SPX network protocols. Clients previously connecting with these protocols must select a different protocol to connect to SQL Server 2005.

    I really didnt understand what it says but once i deleted the alias i was able to connect.

    Again my question if it is not supporting Multi protocol, then why the option is given in SQL Server Client Network utility for creating a Alias???

    Appreciate if anyone would share their thoughts.

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Oracle_91 (4/26/2011)


    What is the difference between creating an Alias using SQL Configuration manager and creating an Alias using SQL Server client Network utility?

    Does both come along with SQL Server 2005 installation?

    No, both does not come along with sql server 2005 installation. Sql server Client Network Utility was bundled with in previous versions of sql server like in sql server 2000.

    And sql server 2000 does support multiprotocols but sql server 2005 does not support mulitprotocols any longer.

  • Hi,

    I have also came to know that sql client network utility comes along with MDAC.

    Which one is true ? Does it comes along with MDAC or SQL Server 2000?


  • Oracle_91 (4/26/2011)


    Which one is true ? Does it comes along with MDAC or SQL Server 2000?

    Both, As i mentioned earlier it was bundled with sql server in earlier versions because it is specific to sql server. But Microsoft also includes it with MDAC(Microsoft Data Access Components).

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