Converting Rows to Columns

  • Hi,

    I am working on a Human Resource Application using MS SQL Server 2008 Express Edition.

    I have following Tables:

    1. Employees

    2. BudgetCode

    Employee Table:

    EmployeeId(Primary Key, Participates in relation with other tables), EmployeeCode (UNIQUE Key), Name, SSN, Gender)

    BudgetCode Table:

    BudgetCodeId, EmpId ( FK to EmployeeId), BudgetCode, Percentage)

    Relation: This relation is one-to-many relation between Employee Table. So one employee can have many BudgetCodes in BudgetCode Table.

    My desired result is like,

    EmployeeCode, Name, BudgetCode1,BudgetCode2,BudgetCode3...BudgetCodeN


    Employee Table:

    EmployeeId, EmployeeCode, Name, SSN, Gender

    1, CL7653, Paul, WT, M

    BudgetCode Table:

    BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode, Percentage

    1, 1, US8765, 50

    1, 2, US8543, 50

    Desired Result:

    EmployeeCode, Name, BudgetCode1, BudgetCode2

    CL7653, Paul, US8765, US8543

    Can any give solution to the problem, i have tried using PIVOT and some other hacks but failed to resolve. I appreciate your response


  • Think you can only do this with a dynamic pivot statement - could be wrong though - take a look at the following article[/url] by Jeff Moden - think this will give you a good starting point.

    D 😉

  • revozex (7/4/2011)

    EmployeeCode, Name, BudgetCode1,BudgetCode2,BudgetCode3...BudgetCodeN

    The N part makes it harder.

    revozex (7/4/2011)


    Employee Table:

    EmployeeId, EmployeeCode, Name, SSN, Gender

    1, CL7653, Paul, WT, M

    BudgetCode Table:

    BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode, Percentage

    1, 1, US8765, 50

    1, 2, US8543, 50

    Desired Result:

    EmployeeCode, Name, BudgetCode1, BudgetCode2

    CL7653, Paul, US8765, US8543

    Think you messed up your example. EmpId 1 only have one BudgetCode connected to him. And as such cant get the result you have. Me thinks you swiched places on the BudgetCodeId and EmpId columns (or their values).

    Anyway here is my little go at the problem.

    -- Our tables (i have dropped the columns that wasnt needed)

    create table Employee (EmployeeId int Primary Key, EmployeeCode varchar(32), Name varchar(32))

    create table BudgetCode (BudgetCodeId int, EmpId int, BudgetCode varchar(32) primary key (BudgetCodeId, EmpId))


    --A little more testdata

    insert into Employee values (1, 'CL7653', 'Paul')

    insert into Employee values (2, 'CL7652', 'Donald')

    insert into BudgetCode values (1, 1, 'US8765')

    insert into BudgetCode values (2, 1, 'US8543')

    insert into BudgetCode values (1, 2, 'US8513')

    insert into BudgetCode values (3, 2, 'US8512')

    insert into BudgetCode values (4, 2, 'US8545')

    insert into BudgetCode values (10, 2, 'US1010')


    --Since the nr of columns are unknown we have to find out the max nr of budgets that a single employee have

    declare @MaxBudgetNr int

    --could have used as simple count(*) / group by here instead

    select @MaxBudgetNr = Max(Nr) from (select Row_Number() over (partition by EmpId order by EmpId, BudgetCodeId) Nr from BudgetCode) x

    declare @sql varchar(max)

    declare @i integer

    --Create our dynamic sql

    select @sql = 'select e.EmployeeCode, e.Name, ', @i = 1

    --a small loop to create all the columns

    while @i <= @MaxBudgetNr


    select @sql = @sql + ' Max(case when Nr = ' + Convert(varchar(3), @i) + ' then b.BudgetCode else '''' end) BudgetCode' + convert(varchar(3), @i) + case when @i < @MaxBudgetNr then ', ' else ' ' end

    set @i = @i + 1


    select @sql = @sql + ' from (select BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode, Row_Number() over (partition by EmpId order by EmpId, BudgetCodeId) Nr from BudgetCode) b join Employee e on e.EmployeeId = b.EmpId group by e.EmployeeCode, e.Name'

    --And execute



    drop table Employee

    drop table BudgetCode

    Should be noted that its more or less based on Mr Modens article above.


  • @tomm:

    you are right It's a mistake Example Table would be

    BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode, Percentage

    1, 1, US8765, 50

    2, 1, US8543, 50

    Now corrected table explains an employee having more than Budget Codes.

  • Tom, I'll borrow your test data...

    Another possible solution:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Employee') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Employee

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#BudgetCode') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #BudgetCode

    CREATE TABLE #Employee (

    EmployeeId int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

    EmployeeCode varchar(6) NOT NULL UNIQUE,

    Name varchar(50) NOT NULL,

    SSN varchar(50) NULL,

    Gender char(1) NULL


    CREATE TABLE #BudgetCode (

    BudgetCodeId int NOT NULL,

    EmpId int NOT NULL,

    BudgetCode varchar(6) NOT NULL,

    Percentage int NULL


    insert into #Employee (EmployeeId, EmployeeCode, Name) values (1, 'CL7653', 'Paul')

    insert into #Employee (EmployeeId, EmployeeCode, Name) values (2, 'CL7652', 'Donald')

    insert into #BudgetCode (BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode) values (1, 1, 'US8765')

    insert into #BudgetCode (BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode) values (2, 1, 'US8543')

    insert into #BudgetCode (BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode) values (1, 2, 'US8513')

    insert into #BudgetCode (BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode) values (3, 2, 'US8512')

    insert into #BudgetCode (BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode) values (4, 2, 'US8545')

    insert into #BudgetCode (BudgetCodeId, EmpId, BudgetCode) values (10, 2, 'US1010')

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max)

    SELECT @sql = STUFF((


    FROM #BudgetCode

    ORDER BY 1

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ),1, 1, SPACE(0))

    SET @sql =

    'WITH Budget AS ( ' +

    ' SELECT EmpId, BudgetCode, RN = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EmpId ORDER BY BudgetCodeId) ' +

    ' FROM #BudgetCode ' +

    ') ' +

    'SELECT EmpId, ' + @sql + ' ' +

    'FROM Budget AS src ' +

    'PIVOT ( MIN(BudgetCode) FOR RN IN ('+ @sql +')) AS pvt '

    EXEC (@sql)

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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