Hierarchy using CTP & extra column for HasChildren?

  • Hi,

    I am plannning to retrieve a Hierarchy stored in database.

    Please use the following structure for temp data creation.

    IF (OBJECT_ID ('dbo.SampleHierarchy', 'U') IS NOT NULL)

    DROP TABLE dbo.SampleHierarchy



    CREATE TABLE dbo.SampleHierarchy



    Position NVARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

    ParentPersonID INT REFERENCES dbo.SampleHierarchy (PersonID)



    -- Insert some sample data into the table based on the structure shown above

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 1, 'Chief Executive Officer', NULL;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 2, 'Senior Director - Development', 1;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 3, 'Senior Director - Finance', 1;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 4, 'Senior Director - Human Resources', 1;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 5, 'Product Development Manager', 2;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 6, 'Project Lead', 5;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 7, 'QA Lead', 5;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 8, 'Documentation Lead', 5;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 9, 'Developers', 6;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 10, 'Testers', 7;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 11, 'Writers', 8;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 12, 'Accountants', 3;

    INSERT INTO dbo.SampleHierarchy SELECT 13, 'HR Professionals', 4;


    I am using the following to retrieve the Hierarchy. What I am unsure is how do I retrieve the last column "HasChildren"?

    WITH SampleHierarchyChart (PersonID, Position, ParentPersonID, Level, SortKey, HasChildren) AS


    -- Create the anchor query. This establishes the starting point

    SELECT a.PersonID, a.Position, a.ParentPersonID, 0, CAST (a.PersonID AS VARBINARY(900)), 0

    FROM dbo.SampleHierarchy a

    WHERE a.PersonID = 1


    -- Create the recursive query. This query will be executed until it returns no more rows

    SELECT a.PersonID, a.Position, a.ParentPersonID, b.Level + 1, CAST (b.SortKey + CAST (a.PersonID AS BINARY(4)) AS VARBINARY(900)), 0

    FROM dbo.SampleHierarchy a

    INNER JOIN SampleHierarchyChart b ON a.ParentPersonID = b.PersonID


    SELECT * FROM SampleHierarchyChart ORDER BY SortKey

    Any help is appreciated.

    Kindest Regards,


  • This may help you,Just check what you are looking for

    WITH samplehierarchychart (personid, position, parentpersonid, LEVEL, haschildren)

    AS (

    -- Create the anchor query. This establishes the starting point

    SELECT a.personid,




    haschildren=Cast('\' + Cast(a.personid AS VARCHAR(10)) AS VARCHAR(4000)) --CAST (a.PersonID AS VARBINARY(900)),

    FROM dbo.samplehierarchy a

    WHERE a.personid = 1


    -- Create the recursive query. This query will be executed until it returns no more rows

    SELECT a.personid,



    b.LEVEL + 1,

    Cast(b.haschildren + '\' + Cast(a.personid AS VARCHAR(10)) AS VARCHAR(4000))

    FROM dbo.samplehierarchy a

    INNER JOIN samplehierarchychart b

    ON a.parentpersonid = b.personid)

    SELECT *

    FROM samplehierarchychart

    ORDER BY haschildren

  • Hi Srikant,

    Thanks for a very quick reply. If I get this correctly, your query gives me the path instead of my sortkey.

    However what I want along with the SortKey is a bit True/False indicating if the current Person or a record has any more children.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Kindest Regards,


  • For True and flase value for haschildren

    WITH samplehierarchychart (personid, position, parentpersonid, LEVEL, haschildren,sortkey)

    AS (

    -- Create the anchor query. This establishes the starting point

    SELECT a.personid,




    haschildren=Cast('\' + Cast(a.personid AS VARCHAR(10)) AS VARCHAR(4000)) --CAST (a.PersonID AS VARBINARY(900)),

    , CAST (a.PersonID AS VARBINARY(900))

    FROM dbo.samplehierarchy a

    WHERE a.personid = 1


    -- Create the recursive query. This query will be executed until it returns no more rows

    SELECT a.personid,



    b.LEVEL + 1,

    Cast(b.haschildren + '\' + Cast(a.personid AS VARCHAR(10)) AS VARCHAR(4000)),

    CAST (b.SortKey + CAST (a.PersonID AS BINARY(4)) AS VARBINARY(900))FROM dbo.samplehierarchy a

    INNER JOIN samplehierarchychart b

    ON a.parentpersonid = b.personid)

    SELECT *,CASE WHEN len(haschildren)>2 then 1 else 0 end haschildren

    FROM samplehierarchychart

    ORDER BY sortkey

  • Hi Srikant,

    Thanks again for a quick reply but your query still doesn't return correct results.

    It shows me "Chief Executive Officer" = 0 which means that there are no more children who clearly has.

    It should show 1 against everyone except "Developers", "Testers", "Writers", "Accountants", "HR Professionals". Basically last one in the chain within a given node.

    I hope this makes sense. Please ask if you have any question.

    Kindest Regards,


  • Off the top of my head: -

    DECLARE @sample AS TABLE (PersonID INT, Position NVARCHAR(50), ParentPersonID INT)

    -- Insert some sample data into the table based on the structure shown above

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 1, 'Chief Executive Officer', NULL;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 2, 'Senior Director - Development', 1;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 3, 'Senior Director - Finance', 1;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 4, 'Senior Director - Human Resources', 1;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 5, 'Product Development Manager', 2;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 6, 'Project Lead', 5;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 7, 'QA Lead', 5;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 8, 'Documentation Lead', 5;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 9, 'Developers', 6;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 10, 'Testers', 7;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 11, 'Writers', 8;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 12, 'Accountants', 3;

    INSERT INTO @sample SELECT 13, 'HR Professionals', 4;

    --Actualy Query

    ;WITH SampleHierarchyChart (PersonID, Position, ParentPersonID, Level, SortKey) AS


    -- Create the anchor query. This establishes the starting point

    SELECT a.PersonID, a.Position, a.ParentPersonID, 0, CAST (a.PersonID AS VARBINARY(900))

    FROM @sample a

    WHERE a.PersonID = 1


    -- Create the recursive query. This query will be executed until it returns no more rows

    SELECT a.PersonID, a.Position, a.ParentPersonID, b.Level + 1, CAST (b.SortKey + CAST (a.PersonID AS BINARY(4)) AS VARBINARY(900))

    FROM @sample a

    INNER JOIN SampleHierarchyChart b ON a.ParentPersonID = b.PersonID


    SELECT hc.PersonID, hc.Position, hc.ParentPersonID, hc.Level, hc.SortKey, child.hasChildren

    FROM SampleHierarchyChart hc


    PersonID, MAX(CASE WHEN nodesc.parentid IS NOT NULL AND nodesb.childid IS NULL

    THEN 0

    ELSE 1 END) AS hasChildren


    PersonID, ParentPersonID

    FROM @sample) nodes

    --Get child ID


    ParentPersonID, PersonID AS childid

    FROM @sample st

    WHERE nodes.PersonID = st.ParentPersonID) nodesb

    --Get parent ID


    ParentPersonID, PersonID AS parentid

    FROM @sample st

    WHERE nodes.ParentPersonID = st.PersonID) nodesc

    GROUP BY PersonID) child ON child.PersonID = hc.PersonID

    ORDER BY SortKey

    If you think about it, you could probably improve that greatly - but it fulfils your requirements I think.

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  • Thanks skcadavre,

    That works great. I was pondering upon your remarks of improving it, was wondering what you meant! More efficient code, faster performance, less code?

    TA 🙂

    Kindest Regards,


  • Speed is the name of the game, and I suspect that if you try this code on a tree with a couple of million nodes then you'll see it chew along for awhile 😉

    Forever trying to learn
    My blog - http://www.cadavre.co.uk/
    For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/
    For better, quicker answers on SQL Server performance related questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SQLServerCentral/66909/

  • So I assume that 1000 records per query would be ok.

    Kindest Regards,


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