SSRS Matrix Subtotal Random Label Behavior

  • Greetings!

    I am struggling with the matrix control on a SSRS 2k5 report. I have set up a report with several row groups, Region, Salesperson, customer, and so on. I have also set up subtotals which I intend to carry a label of the value of the parent of the current group. The image below shows how I have this set up.

    Here is what I expected to have happen:

    However, what I receive appears to randomly include the Salesperson name in the subtotal. When I say that it is randomly INCLUDED, I mean just that. Most groupings contain a subtotal line with no label. The totals are fine but where you would expect to see the label, it is simply blank. However, There are a few groupings at the same group level that do produce a valid subtotal label. See image below. Other groupings work just fine at with regard to the subtotal label. The red boxes in the image represent the places where I expect to see a subtotal label.

    Bizarre behavior. Has anyone ever encounter this before that might have some pointers to keep me from going insane? Am I just doing something stupid?


    Chris Umbaugh
    Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence Consultant
    twitter @ToledoSQL

  • Just in case the image links in my original post do not work... I am using the following as the value expression in the subtotal textbox: "=Fields!Salesperson.Value"

    Could not be any more straight forward.

    Chris Umbaugh
    Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence Consultant
    twitter @ToledoSQL

  • I haven't seen this before. However, just throwing this out there: have you tried an aggregation, such as =MAX(Field!Salesperson.Value)?

  • That worked! I don't really understand why it worked but it does. Thank you for the suggestion!


    Chris Umbaugh
    Data Warehouse / Business Intelligence Consultant
    twitter @ToledoSQL

  • Remember, matrices are really designed for aggregation. Why it acts funny with a "text" field, even if all rows have data, I'm not 100% sure.

    However: 😀

    Thanks again for coming to my SQL Saturday session. It was great to meet you!

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