Mirror Failover Issue

  • I hope this is the correct place to post this, though it's a combined VS and SQL question...

    I have a database set up with (high security mode - no witness) mirroring. I have a web-based application (actually, web-services; SOA-based) written in VS2010 using the Enterprise Library database tools.

    I used the "server=AServer;Failover Partner=BServer" syntax in my connection string.

    What I find, at least from my development machine, is that when I fail the database from the AServer to the BServer, it takes about 2 minutes before the connection actually works. When I fail the database from the BServer to the AServer, it works nearly immediately.

    It DOES eventually work, and once BServer get's "activated" it works very well - quickly, and without issue, so general routing doesn't seem to be the problem - ports are open.

    Any thoughts as to why the "primary-to-partner" direction would be so slow?



  • First, I now noticed the "High Availability" forum...how can I get this thread moved over there?

    Next...doing some more research...

    Had a thought that this was perhaps being caused by connection pooling. First attempt was to catch the exception and issue a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.ClearAllPools() call when I catch it.

    No better.

    Second thought was to set "Pooling=false" in my connection string.

    Still no better.

    Using Wireshark in combination with my testing environment, I see the following:

    - Get my web app running - observe good traffic to AServer.

    - Issue the manual database failover command (Fail from AServer to BServer)

    -- Observe TCP socket(s) close IMMEDIATELY (while no web requests are being made)

    - Issue a new web request

    -- Observe NO TCP TRAFFIC trapped, but exception thrown in code.

    - Issue another new web request.

    -- Observe TCP TRAFFIC between my machine and the AServer. NO attempts seen to the BServer.

    - Issue multiple web requests over the next few minutes.

    -- Eventually, a request will result in traffic FIRST to AServer, then BServer - successful call.

    -- Subsequently, requests ONLY go to BServer

    - Issue the manual database failover command (Fail from BServer to AServer)

    -- Observe TCP socket(s) close IMMEDIATELY (while no web requests are being made)

    - Issue a new web request

    -- Observe NO TCP TRAFFIC trapped, but exception thrown in code.

    - Issue another new web request.

    -- Observe IMMEDIATE TCP connection to AServer - successful call.


  • Hi Jim,

    There are 2 points to notice here

    1. The time it takes to failover the Db from A to B

    2. The time it takes for the application to get redirected from A to B

    At which point are you observing the delay ?

    Is the failover happening immediately but the application redirection is taking more time ?

    Or the failover itself is taking more time from A to B ?

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • Good question.

    I am using the manual mirror failover command (button) from the SSMS user interface.

    The partner database is available immediately (or, at least, as quickly as I can do something to test it). It is recognized as PRINCIPAL in the interface immediately.

    It appears to be my app that is not sensing the failover quickly.


  • Is the "application Redirection to B getting Slowed Down" is happening always or you observed it just once or twice ?

    Thank You,

    Best Regards,


  • It is entirely consistent, at least from my development machine. I have not yet tested it from our "production" web server environment (but the SQLs are the production servers).


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