Passing a value into a Stored Procedure using an OUTPUT parameter

  • I created a stored procedure.


    @X integer OUTPUT


    Print @X

    Select @X = 10 where 1=1

    Print @X

    Return @X

    When I run it like this

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @X int

    -- TODO: Set parameter values here.

    Set @X = 2

    EXECUTE @rc = [excelleRx_DBA].[dbo].[PR_SWL_TEST]

    @X = 2 OUTPUT

    Print @X


    I get this error

    Msg 179, Level 15, State 1, Line 9

    Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure.

    When I run it like this, it works

    DECLARE @rc int

    DECLARE @X int

    -- TODO: Set parameter values here.

    Set @X = 2

    EXECUTE @rc = [excelleRx_DBA].[dbo].[PR_SWL_TEST]

    @X = @X OUTPUT

    Print @X





    Now, this came up because an SSIS package that uses a store procedure is now failing with this error "Cannot use the OUTPUT option when passing a constant to a stored procedure." We think it is passing constants like the first example that fails. The SP above was run from SSMS and not in an SSIS package.

    Does anyone know why this behavior is happening? Is there a DB Option or an ansi setting that may have changed recently that should be changed back (although we don't know of any changes)? The production stored procedure has been work fine for months and failed with this error today.

    I am running Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP2) standard - 10.0.4000.0 on Windows Server 2003 SP 2 Standard.

    There were no recent changes to the operating environment.



  • To my knowledge the SQL engine has always worked like that. I'm not sure if there have been any changes on the SSIS side that could result in a variable being replaced with the constant that it currently has. The best way to handle this may be to add a second variable that's just an output parameter. Have @x just be input so it can take a constant and have @xout just be an output so you never try to pass a constant to it.

  • Aplogies.. removed the post... read it wrong...

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  • Yes, with further testing I realized that SQL Server 2000 through SQL Server 2008 R2 all did the samething. This changes the question slightly.

    How does SSIS pass parameters to a stored procedure in an ole Command task?

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