SSRS Noob - Installed OK, but unable to administer due to permissions.

  • SQL 2008 R2 on Windows 7 workstation, 64-bit, .NET 3.5.1

    I was able to install SQL and SSRS on my workstation without errors, but I'm not able to actually administer the SSRS instance. I'm a sysadmin in the supporting SQL instance, and have no issues doing anything in there. I'm an administrator on the workstation, and have even tried my domain administrator account on both, but no joy.

    Example error: The permissions granted to user 'DOMAIN\username' are insufficient for performing this operation. DOMAIN\username is my domain admin account, sysadmin in SQL, and is in the Administrator group on the workstation. I get this when attempting to deploy a reporting services project to the server from Visual Studio.

    When I connect to the SSRS instance in Management Studio, I only see Jobs, Security, and Shared Schedules. Aside from 'reports' and 'refresh', all context menu options are greyed out. Again, this is with my admin account.

    I am an admitted and complete newbie at SSRS, and any advice would be appreciated. How do I start troubleshooting this? I have reinstalled, gone through all the configuration options I can access, and am at a bit of a loss as to where to look.

    Thanks for your time.


  • Can you get to http://localhost/reports and see everything ok?

    In report configuration manager (in all programs..sql server...configurations) put a local admin in the service account and restart the ssrs instance from the same configuration manager (first screen I believe).

    reports and everything being greyed out may simply mean you have no reports yet. Try building a basic report in BIDS, deploy it and see if everything shows then.

    Also, if you can get into report manager, go into site setttings and edit the permissions for admin/user rights to yourself or a local administrators group.

    Everything I'm suggesting is for a local windows 7 development instance. This is not what you want to open up in a production ssrs instance.

    last, check your local firewall and also UAC can cause grief.

  • Open Internet Explorer using 'Run as Administrator' option and browse to your SSRS site (i.e. http://localhost/reports). Click on Site Settings at top right. Go to Security. Click new Role Assignment button. Add your AD account in box and check off box for System Administrator then click OK. You're now setup as an admin in SSRS!

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  • @sqlchicken - That worked perfectly. Thanks!

    Here's the weird thing - when I tried it yesterday, (http://workstationname/reports), I got an access denied message. When I tried it today, I was able to access the page without any problems. Not sure what happened there, but I'll try and duplicate this setup elsewhere and play with it a bit.

    Off to do some reporting! 🙂 Thanks again to you both for your help.

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