Calculating datetime.

  • I am having trouble with calculating datetimes. Its more of a rounding issue with hours/minutes. I am coming up with my times being a minute off another source used for comparison. I know it is related to including the seconds, but I am having trouble with the calculation.

    Start time = '4/29/2011 11:23:44 AM'

    End TIme = '4/29/2011 1:27:31 PM'

    My source comes up with 2:04 and I come up with 2:03 hours. The user I am working with is concerned. Any suggestions as to how I can get the seconds included?



  • Found this:

    declare @start datetime, @end datetime, @duration varchar(36),

    @hours varchar(30), @minutes varchar(2), @seconds varchar(30)

    set @start = '4/29/2011 11:23:44 AM'

    set @end = '4/29/2011 1:27:31 PM'

    set @seconds = abs(datediff(second, @start, @end))

    set @hours = @seconds / 3600

    set @minutes = (@seconds - (@hours * 3600)) / 60

    set @seconds = (@seconds - (@hours * 3600) - (@minutes * 60))

    if cast(@hours as int) < 10 set @hours = '0' + @hours

    if cast(@minutes as int) < 10 set @minutes = '0' + @minutes

    if cast(@seconds as int) < 10 set @seconds = '0' + @seconds

    set @duration = @hours + ':' + @minutes + ':' + @seconds

    select @duration

  • Thank you. This works well it I disply seconds. The problem of rounding is still an issue. I do not want to have seconds and when I remove them, it is still short by a minute. So there is still a 1 minute difference.


  • Here is a step by step possible solution for you to walk through and combine statements when you understand them and of course want to.

    DECLARE @St AS Datetime

    DECLARE @et AS Datetime


    DECLARE @min-2 AS INT



    SET @St = '4/29/2011 11:23:44 AM'

    SET @et = '4/29/2011 1:27:31 PM'

    --==SELECT DATEDIFF(ss,@St,@Et) AS 'Seconds'

    SET @hr = DATEDIFF(ss,@St,@Et)/3600

    --==SELECT @hr AS 'hours' --only to show for testing

    SET @Dur = CAST(@hr AS VARCHAR(2)) + ':'

    --==SELECT @Dur AS 'Duration' --only to show for testing

    SET @Xtra = (DATEDIFF(ss,@St,@Et)) - (@hr * 3600)

    --==SELECT @Xtra AS 'Extra seconds' --only to show for testing

    SET @min-2 = @Xtra/60--only to show for testing

    --==SELECT @min-2 AS 'Minutes' --only to show for testing

    SET @Xtra = @Xtra - (@Min * 60)

    --==SELECT @Xtra AS 'Extra' --only to show for testing

    --== this could be change to > 0 to ALWAYS round upward

    If @Xtra > 30

    SET @min-2 = @min-2 + 1

    SET @Dur = @Dur + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@Min AS VARCHAR(2)),2)

    SELECT @Dur AS 'Duration'




    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • ruffindmc (5/19/2011)

    I am having trouble with calculating datetimes. Its more of a rounding issue with hours/minutes. I am coming up with my times being a minute off another source used for comparison. I know it is related to including the seconds, but I am having trouble with the calculation.

    Start time = '4/29/2011 11:23:44 AM'

    End TIme = '4/29/2011 1:27:31 PM'

    My source comes up with 2:04 and I come up with 2:03 hours. The user I am working with is concerned. Any suggestions as to how I can get the seconds included?



    So your source is comparing just the minutes (2:04), while you're comparing with the seconds. So, strip the seconds off, and do your comparison:

    DECLARE @Start DATETIME = '4/29/2011 11:23:44 AM',

    @End DATETIME = '4/29/2011 1:27:31 PM',

    @Comp DATETIME = '20010101';

    WITH cteDates AS


    -- strip the minutes off of the supplied dates

    SELECT StartTime = DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, @Comp, @Start), @Comp),

    EndTime = DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, @Comp, @End), @Comp)

    ), cteMinutes AS


    -- get the number of minutes between these dates

    SELECT StartTime,


    [Minutes] = DATEDIFF(MINUTE, StartTime, EndTime)

    FROM cteDates


    -- break down the minutes into hours, and the remainder of the minutes

    SELECT StartTime,


    Elapsed = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [Minutes] / 60) + ':' + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), [Minutes] % 60), 2)

    FROM cteMinutes;

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • try this one

    declare @Start_time datetime

    declare @End_TIme datetime

    declare @Time varchar (12)

    declare @minutes int

    declare @seconds int

    set @Start_time = '4/29/2011 11:23:44 AM'

    set @End_Time = '4/29/2011 1:27:31 PM'

    --counting only minutes

    set @minutes = datediff(mi, @Start_time, @End_Time)

    set @Time = right(convert(varchar,dateadd(minute,@minutes,'01/01/1901 0:0:0.00'),108),12)

    print left (@Time, 5)

    --counting seconds

    set @seconds = datediff(ss, @Start_time, @End_Time)

    set @Time = right(convert(varchar,dateadd(second,@seconds,'01/01/1901 0:0:0.00'),108),12)

    print left (@Time, 5)

  • Thanks!

  • Thank You!

  • Thank YOU!

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