Set up Database mirroring on instance using a non dafult port

  • Hi,

    I am trying to set up database mirroring where the secondary instance is a named instance and not using the default port. On the secondary(mirrored server) server there are two instances, one is a default instance using the standard 1433 port and other is a named instance using a different port.

    When I try to set up endpoints and then set the partner, the command returns an error saying that it could not find the mirrored instance.

    I am using the complete DNS name in the ALTER database command to point to the named instance. But when I use the port number for the instance it returns the error. Is there a way to mention the port number of the mirrored instance?

    when I dont use the port number it connects to the default instance where I dont want to create the mirrored database.


  • what port numbers have you assigned to the mirroring endpoints on the principal and mirror instances


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • It seems that when I first created the endpoints on the mirrored server it created the endpoints on the default instance. This was because while connecting to the serve I didnt specify the port number on which SQL Server was running, instead I gave just the DNS name.

    To fix this, I first dropped all the endpoints on both the servers.Then in the wizard to set up mirroring, while specifying the mirror server, I gave the DNS name with the port number on which the instance was running. like the following., 3123

    where 3123 is the port number on which SQL Server is running.

    This fixed the issue. FYI, I am using 5022 as the prod port and 5023 as the mirror port.


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