SUM of only last gouped Data

  • Hi,

    Need a little help for a simple requirement in SSRS report.

    I have a SSRS report tablix.

    Columns are -

    Year, YearMonth and Number Of Employees.

    Year and YearMonths are used for creating rowgroups.

    Now when I run the report I also need to get a total row at the bottom which would SUM only those values which belong to the current or latest Year.

    eg If Year 2008, 2009, 2010 selected, then the Total row should only SUM values for 2010.

  • I would suggest writing a second query to get the summary data for the current year and UNION them together

  • Put a scope qualifier in your SUM statement. Something like this (my syntax may be off)


    Where "2010" is the name of the group for 2010.

    You can also just add sum directly in the group. That would show the totals for each group.

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