IGNOREing Records based on Addition SUM Criteria

  • Hi,

    I'm using a query as:


    WITH ExData AS (

    SELECT TId,Ttype,TAmt,

    SUM(CASE WHEN Ttype IN ('Debit', 'Credit') THEN Amt ELSE 0 END) OVER(PARTITION BY TId) AS sum1

    ----- Added Later condition -----

    , SUM(CASE WHEN Ttype IN ('Cash', 'Expense') THEN Amt ELSE 0 END) OVER(PARTITION BY TId) AS sum2

    FROM TdescTbl)

    SELECT TId,Ttype,TAmt

    FROM ExData


    (sum1<>0 and Sum2=0 OR Ttype NOT IN ('Debit', 'Credit'))

    And (sum1=0 and Sum2<>0 OR Ttype NOT IN ('Cash', 'Expense'))


    The Condition is Under same TID:

    1) When Sum of Ttype as Debit+Credit=0, then skip those entries else print the rest.

    ---- Now I added another condition as:

    2) When Sum of Ttype as Cash+Expense=0 then skip those entries also, else print the rest.

    Expected Result:

    TId Ttype TAmt


    101 Cash 100

    101 Expense -200

    -- 101 Credit -100 (skip)

    -- 101 Debit 100 (skip) IGNORE these 2 entries under id=101, as Debit+Credit=0

    101 Expense -150

    102 Credit -50 **

    102 Debit 100 ** Donot IGNORE these 2 entries under id=102, as Debit+Credit<>0

    102 Petty expense 100

    -- 102 Cash 200 ##

    -- 102 Expense -200 ## (skip) IGNORE these 2 entries under id=102, as Cash+Expense=0

    102 Petty cash 100

    103 Cash 200 ##

    103 Expense -100 ## Donot IGNORE these 2 entries under id=102, as Cash+Expense<>0



    When I'm trying to add a new condition in the same query, it is not working correctly.

    Could someone help to identify the mistake in my query.


  • It would be alot easier for us to help you if you provided some table layouts, sample data and expected results. From what I can see, you're going to need a having clause, but I'd rather wait until I see the above for a definitive answer

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  • Hi Mike,

    Please see below:

    Select Tid (int), Ttype (varchar(50)), Tamt (float) from GeTbl;

    Result (Current)


    TId Ttype TAmt


    101 Cash -100

    101 Expense -200

    101 Credit -100

    101 Debit -100

    101 Expense -150

    102 Credit -50

    102 Debit -100

    102 Petty expense 100

    102 Cash 200

    102 Expense -200

    102 Petty cash 100

    103 Cash 200

    103 Expense -100

    Result (Expected)


    TId Ttype TAmt


    101 Cash 100

    101 Expense -200

    -- 101 Credit -100 (skip)

    -- 101 Debit 100 (skip) IGNORE these 2 entries under id=101, as Debit+Credit=0

    101 Expense -150

    102 Credit -50 **

    102 Debit 100 ** Donot IGNORE these 2 entries under id=102, as Debit+Credit<>0

    102 Petty expense 100

    -- 102 Cash 200 ##

    -- 102 Expense -200 ## (skip) IGNORE these 2 entries under id=102, as Cash+Expense=0

    102 Petty cash 100

    103 Cash 200 ##

    103 Expense -100 ## Donot IGNORE these 2 entries under id=102, as Cash+Expense<>0


    Here Conditions are:

    1) Ttype in('Debit', 'Credit') and the SUM(Tamt)=0, then IGNORE those lines else show the records

    2) Ttype in('Cash', 'Expense') and the SUM(Tamt)=0, then IGNORE those lines else show the records.

    When I applied 1st condition, it worked fine, but by adding the 2nd condition, it didnot give correct output.

  • Are Cash and Expense always going to have opposite signs? This is coded assuming they will, but the Debits and Credits have the same signs. What about the Petty Cash and Petty Expenses? Are they to be treated teh same as well? Is there a way to identify which groupings should be compared to show or not show? Here's a stab at it, but it will only work for Cash, Expense, Debit and Credit. There should be a way to link the like records together to make it soft.

    create table #GeTbl (Tid int, Ttype varchar(50), Tamt float) ;

    insert into #GeTbl values








    ('102','Petty expense','100'),



    ('102','Petty cash','100'),





    select * from (

    select * from #GeTbl

    where Ttype in ('Cash','Expense')

    and Tid in (select Tid from

    (select Tid, SUM(Tamt) DrCrTotal

    from #GeTbl

    where Ttype in ('Cash','Expense')

    group by Tid

    having SUM(Tamt) <> 0) v)

    union all

    select * from #GeTbl

    where Ttype in ('Debit','Credit')

    and Tid in (select Tid from

    (select Tid, SUM(case when TType = 'Credit' then Tamt * -1 else Tamt end) DrCrTotal

    from #GeTbl

    where Ttype in ('Debit','Credit')

    group by Tid

    having SUM(case when TType = 'Credit' then Tamt * -1 else Tamt end) <> 0) v)

    union all

    select * from #GeTbl

    where Ttype not in ('Debit','Credit', 'Cash','Expense')

    ) x

    order by TID

    If you had a table that defined the relationships, then you could potentially do it with one query

    Drop table #GeTbl

    Drop table #GeType

    Create table #GeType (TType varchar(50) primary key, GroupType tinyint)

    insert into #GeType values





    ('Petty Cash',3),

    ('Petty Expense',3)

    create table #GeTbl (Tid int, Ttype varchar(50), Tamt float) ;

    insert into #GeTbl values








    ('102','Petty expense','100'),



    ('102','Petty cash','100'),





    ('105','Petty expense','-100'),


    ('105','Petty cash','100')

    select g.Tid, g.Ttype, g.Tamt

    from #GeTbl g

    inner join #GeType gt

    on g.Ttype = gt.TType

    inner join (

    select a.Tid, b.GroupType, Sum(a.Tamt) DrCrTotal

    from #GeTbl a

    inner join #GeType b

    on a.Ttype = b.TType

    group by a.Tid, b.GroupType

    having SUM(a.Tamt) <> 0) v

    on g.Tid = v.Tid

    and gt.GroupType = v.GroupType

    order by g.Tid

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  • Thanks Mike for the query. I appologise for wrongly mentioned info. Here is the correct way:

    TId Ttype TAmt


    101 Cash 100

    101 Expense -200

    101 Credit -100

    101 Debit 100

    101 Expense -150

    102 Credit -50

    102 Debit 100

    102 Cash 200

    102 Expense -200


    Debit and Cash will be always +100

    Credit and Expense will be always -100


    I will try with the 1st script.

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