Select a minimum number of rows

  • I have an unusual requirement to make sure that there are at least 17 rows on a report. Sometimes there are only 10 sometimes 40; is there a way to select a minimum number of rows for a report?

    I know I could select them into a db and add the appropriate number of rows but that seems like a waste.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


  • What are you supposed to do if there are less than 17? Include zeros? Or not run the report?

    How is the report being run?

  • If there are less than 17 I need to print blank rows like

    15 John



  • This is usually something you'd do in the client. You could potentially check for the row count (select count(*)) and if it's < 17, then you can add in a join to a table that has blank rows.

  • One way would be to use a tally table. Create a (cte, inline view, table variable, or temp table) with the columns for your report, adding a row number column with the appropriate RANKING function. Then select from your tally table where n <=17 and left join to the report (temp table, table var, or cte).

    A search on tally table will return a lot of info about them. I figure 17 rows would be plenty quick for a dynamic one...<grin>


  • Ya, Crystal Reports is the client and I just don't know how to do it there. I think I will just use a cursor and be done with this.

  • OK I thought I would show my hacked answer. Thanks

    declare @ClassID int

    set @ClassID = 2

    declare @runTime datetime

    set @runTime = (select GetDate())

    declare @rowCount int

    declare @rowsToAdd int

    declare @constRowCount int

    set @constRowCount = 17

    set @rowsToAdd = 0

    set @rowCount = 0

    declare @PartID int

    declare @PartLName nvarchar(30)

    declare @PartFName nvarchar(30)

    declare @DayText nvarchar(30)

    declare @ClassTime nvarchar(30)

    CREATE TABLE tmpResults


    [PartID] [int] NULL,

    [PartLName] [nvarchar](30) NULL,

    [PartFName] [nvarchar](30) NULL,

    [DayText] [nvarchar] (30) NULL,

    [ClassTime] [nvarchar] (30) NULL


    Declare #tmpDB CURSOR for (Select PartID, PartLName, PartFName, DayText, d.ClassTime

    from Participants p

    inner join DUIClasses d on d.ClassID = p.ClassID

    inner join Programs pgm on pgm.ProgramID = p.ProgramID

    inner join DaysOfTheWeek dotw on p.ClassDay = dotw.DayId

    left outer join Educations ed on ed.duiclassid = @ClassID

    where (p.PartStatus = 1 or p.PartStatus = 7)

    and (p.ClassID = @ClassID or p.AltClassID = @ClassID)

    and (ed.duiclassid = @ClassID)

    and (@runTime not between edStart and edEnd)


    OPEN #tmpDB

    FETCH NEXT FROM #tmpDB INTO @PartID, @PartLName, @PartFName, @DayText, @ClassTime

    While @@Fetch_Status = 0


    Insert into tmpResults(PartID, PartLName, PartFName, DayText, ClassTime)

    values (@PartID, @PartLName, @PartFName, @DayText, @ClassTime)

    FETCH NEXT FROM #tmpDB INTO @PartID, @PartLName, @PartFName, @DayText, @ClassTime

    PRINT @rowCount


    deallocate #tmpDB

    set @rowCount = (select count(*) from tmpResults)

    --print 'RowCount before: ' + convert(nvarchar, @rowCount)

    if @rowCount < @constRowCount


    set @rowsToAdd = @constRowCount - @rowCount

    --print 'RowsToAdd ' + convert(nvarchar, @rowsToAdd)

    while @rowCount < @constRowCount


    Insert into tmpResults(PartID, PartLName, PartFName, DayText, ClassTime)

    values (0, '', '', '', '')

    set @rowCount = @rowCount + 1



    set @rowCount = (select count(*) from tmpResults)

    --print 'RowCount after: ' + convert(nvarchar, @rowCount)

    select * from tmpResults

    drop table tmpResults

  • Here is a simple example of what I was attempting to explain prior:



    L1 AS (SELECT 1 AS c FROM L0 as a, L0 as b),

    L2 AS (SELECT 1 AS c FROM L1 as a, L1 as b),

    L3 AS (SELECT 1 AS c FROM L2 as a, L2 as b),

    L4 AS (SELECT Row_NUMBER() over(order by c) as n FROM L3),

    Nums AS (Select * from L4 where n<=17) --dynamic tally table with 17 rows

    select *

    from Nums

    left join (--report sql with row_number

    select top 10

    Row_NUMBER() over(order by object_id) as rownumber

    from sys.columns) as r ON Nums.n=r.rownumber


  • :w00t: That is completely over my head bu thanks

  • oops...I did not notice this was in the SQL Newbies section. My bad. I would not have just thrown code your way.

    If you would like an explanation of my code, I will be happy to explain more clearly...I won't type it up unless you request...


  • I would love to understand your code.

  • john-902052 (7/13/2010)

    I would love to understand your code.

    The code makes use of an on-the-fly "Tally" Table and it's a powerful tool/skill to have under your belt. Take a look at the following article for an introduction to how it can be used to replace While Loops along with a couple of simple examples.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • The thought behind the sample query is to have one table of exactly 17 rows, then LEFT OUTER JOIN to the report detail rows. That will result in exactly 17 rows with NULLS in the report detail columns where there is no match. I have used this idea many times where there needs to be the exact number of detail lines in a report - data or not.

    We have a permanent Nums (Tally) table on each db instance, so normally I would not use the Common Table Expression to build the 17 row table. I would normally just select from the nums table where n <17 and include the LEFT JOIN to the report detail.

    The key concepts to understand the example query:

    The Tally table - use the link that Mr. Moden provided.


    A Common Table Expression.

    The Row_Number ranking function (it applied a row-number in both the cte and the inline SELECT statement so that there is something to JOIN on)

    hope this helps.


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