Capture the name of the "current" table as a field on a Union query

  • Hello, all.

    I receive, routinelly, Excel files that I have to import into my DB. I have to populate the original name of the file and the name of the tab as fields (so later on the source can be tracked). No biggie. A script and Loop structures provide me what i need. However, some times instead of receiving the Excel files I receive a set of tables with the data already imported into them. These tables are named based on the original Excel file and the tab from which the data was imported. I need to bring those tables into my main table and populate the fields indicating the original name and tab; which should be easy. A simple union qry and braking the table name to populate the adequate fields. My problem is i can't get the correct syntax to capture the name of the table in each of the data sets.

    This has to be simple; however, my thick skull can't figure it out.

    Thx in advance for your suggestions.


    If you don't have a destination,
    No matter how fast you travel
    You never get there.

  • I think you could do what you're trying to do with some dynamic sql:

    declare @sometable nvarchar(255)

    declare @sql nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500)

    set @ParmDefinition = '@sometable varchar(255)'

    set @sometable = 'CUSTOMER'

    set @sql = 'SELECT *,''' + LEFT(@sometable,7) +

    ''' as table_name , ''' + RIGHT(@sometable,6) + ''' as sheet_name ' +

    'FROM ' + @sometable

    PRINT @sql

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, @ParmDefinition, @sometable

  • Thx! I'll give it a try.


    If you don't have a destination,
    No matter how fast you travel
    You never get there.

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