IntelliSense Question

  • Hi all,

    To start with I love IntelliSense (especially how it colour-codes everything for instant readability), but there are certain times I loathe it. I like to use the 'Tab' key when I'm typing to indent my SQL. Unfortunately, I type 'SELECT', hit 'RETURN' and then hit the tab key immediately after typing the word 'FROM', but IntelliSense decides I actually wanted to type '@@CONNECTIONS'. The same thing happens when I type 'AS' and hit the Tab key and end up with 'ASCII;.

    I'm definitely missing something stupidly obvious, so can anyone give me any advice on the correct - or best - use of IntelliSense?




    MAXIM 106:
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  • You haven't missed anything. MS's attempt at T-sQL intellisense is a pile of junk. If you can, turn it off and buy Redgate's SQL prompt

    Disclaimer: I'm a member of the 'Friends of Redgate' and as such get free copies of some of their software. However I do not get commission on referrals.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • I'm agreeing with Gail... the MS "IntelliSense" in SSMS 2008 gets in my way so much that I've disabled it. It would be really nice if MS would just license SQL Prompt, or another GOOD 3rd party tool and include it in SSMS.

    Edit: I'm not a member of the 'Friends of Redgate' and as such I don't get free copies of some of their software... but I'd like to!

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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