Question regarding Subscriptions in SSRS 2005

  • I have a question regarding subscriptions in SSRS 2005.

    We have development (reports_dev) and Production (reports_prod) environments .

    I created a subscription in the Production environment for a report, and ticked the Include Link so that I can get the link of the Production environment reporting services of the report.

    I am getting the email but in the email its showing the link of Development environment. (http://reports_dev/reportserver ................)

    So my question is where can I find this information and how to change it to the correct Production environment link http://reports_prod/reportserver ..................

    Any ideas?

  • Go to your Reporting Server Configuration (Start, Programs, MS SQL Server, Configuration Tools) connect to the production instance, and verify your Report Manager URL is showing as Production and not Development.

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Hi Henrico,

    Thanks for u r reply.

    I just opened Reporting services Configuration Manager.

    And on the left side I can see several options and one of them is Report Manager Virtual Directory. (Is this what you are referring to ?)

    If so, when I clicked Report Manager Virtual Directory, I could see Report Manager Virtual Directory Settings in the right side.

    And there are two sections in :

    Name : Reports

    website: Default Web Site

    And I guess I need to change the web site addrss over here. And when I click New tab, it opened a new window of Create a New Virtual Directory and even there in the Website section (which is a drop down) has only onw value which is Default Web Site.

    So is there any other place I need to look around to find what is the web address of this Default Web Site ?



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