March 24, 2011 at 1:49 pm
SQL Server 2008, SP2
First off, I have an exact copy of the table that I extracted the data from. One is called TableA, the other TableA_Archive.
I bcp the data out with this command:
bcp " SELECT * FROM dbo.TableA WITH(READUNCOMMITTED) WHERE plansegcreatedate < CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(varchar(50), DATEADD(mm, -6, GETDATE()) , 101) +' 00:00:00') AND amountoftotaldue = 0.00 AND CurrentBalance = 0.00 " queryout "E:\TableA_Archive.dat" -T -c
And bcp it back into the archive table with:
bcp "Archive.dbo.TableA_Archive" in E:\TableA_Archive.dat -T -c -q /b 25000
These are my errors:
Starting copy...
SQLState = 22003, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Numeric value out of range
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22003, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Numeric value out of range
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unicode conversion failed
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = S1000, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Unicode conversion failed
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22003, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Numeric value out of range
BCP copy in failed
Please help me understand what's probably obvious...I don't see how this could be an issue since I'm inserting the exact same data into an archive table (with the exact same schema) that was scripted out from the original.
In case it's needed:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TableA](
[acctId] [int] NOT NULL,
[ATID] [int] NULL,
[rowClassifier] [char](16) NULL,
[grpClassifier] [char](16) NULL,
[LAD] [datetime] NULL,
[LAPD] [datetime] NULL,
[NAD] [datetime] NULL,
[AccountBlob] [text] NULL,
[StatementDate] [datetime] NULL,
[parent01ATID] [int] NULL,
[parent01AID] [int] NULL,
[parent02ATID] [int] NULL,
[parent02AID] [int] NULL,
[parent03ATID] [int] NULL,
[parent03AID] [int] NULL,
[parent04ATID] [int] NULL,
[parent04AID] [int] NULL,
[parent05ATID] [int] NULL,
[parent05AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent101ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent101AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent102ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent102AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent103ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent103AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent104ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent104AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent105ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent105AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent106ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent106AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent107ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent107AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent108ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent108AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent109ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent109AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent110ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent110AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent111ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent111AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent112ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent112AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent113ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent113AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent114ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent114AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent115ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent115AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent116AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent116ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent117AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent117ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent118AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent118ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent119AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent119ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent120AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent120ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent121AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent121ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent122AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent122ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent123AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent123ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent124AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent124ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent125AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent125ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent126AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent126ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent127AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent127ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent128AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent128ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent129AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent129ATID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent130AID] [int] NULL,
[ccinhparent130ATID] [int] NULL,
[multiplesales] [char](5) NULL,
[creditplantype] [char](5) NULL,
[cpsinterestplan] [int] NULL,
[OnBSFChargeOf] [char](50) NULL,
[InterestRate1] [money] NULL,
[InterestRate2] [money] NULL,
[InterestRate3] [money] NULL,
[InterestRate4] [money] NULL,
[cpsadjustintrate] [money] NULL,
[cpscalintrate] [money] NULL,
[pmtconsplanmaster] [char](5) NULL,
[FixedPaymentAmt] [money] NULL,
[FixedPaymentPercent] [money] NULL,
[EqualPayments] [char](5) NULL,
[EqualPaymentAmt] [money] NULL,
[DisclosureDays] [char](3) NULL,
[paymenttype] [char](5) NULL,
[plansegcreatedate] [datetime] NULL,
[grandfathereffdate] [datetime] NULL,
[underpmtpriority] [char](2) NULL,
[pmtpriority] [char](2) NULL,
[overpmtpriority] [char](2) NULL,
[PrimaryCurrencyCode] [char](25) NULL,
[SecondaryCurrencyCode] [char](25) NULL,
[CpmMCCPlan] [char](5) NULL,
[MCCBSAcctNumber] [char](19) NULL,
[CpmMTCGrp] [int] NULL,
[MTCBSAcctNumber] [char](19) NULL,
[CatalogCode] [char](11) NULL,
[BaseSegmentAid] [int] NULL,
[SummaryType] [int] NULL,
[StatementFlag] [char](5) NULL,
[RatificationMethod1] [int] NULL,
[GraceDaysApp] [char](5) NULL,
[GraceDayCutoffDate] [datetime] NULL,
[GraceDaysStatus] [char](5) NULL,
[lastupdate] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsCC3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsLTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsMM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsMM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsMM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsMM4] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsMM5] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsQM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsQM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsQM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsQTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsWTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsWW1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsWW2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsWW3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsYM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsYM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsYTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsCC2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsCC3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsCTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsMM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsMM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsMM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsMM4] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsMM5] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsQM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsQM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsQM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsQTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsWTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsWW1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsWW2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsWW3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsYM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsYM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsYTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoCC1] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoCC2] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoCC3] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoCTD] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoDM1] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoDM2] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoDM3] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoDM4] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoDM5] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoDTD] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoLTD] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoMM1] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoMM2] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoMM3] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoMM4] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoMM5] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoMTD] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoQM1] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoQM2] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoQM3] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoQTD] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoWTD] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoWW1] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoWW2] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoWW3] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoYM1] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoYM2] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesNoYTD] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtCC1] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtCC2] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtCC3] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtCTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtDM1] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtDM2] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtDM3] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtDM4] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtDM5] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtDTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtLTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtMM1] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtMM2] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtMM3] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtMM4] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtMM5] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtMTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtQM1] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtQM2] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtQM3] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtQTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtWTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtWW1] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtWW2] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtWW3] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtYM1] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtYM2] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvancesAmtYTD] [money] NULL,
[LastCashAdvanceAmt] [money] NULL,
[Principal] [money] NULL,
[CurrentBalance] [money] NULL,
[CashBalance] [money] NULL,
[LastDebitDate] [datetime] NULL,
[LastCashAdvanceDate] [datetime] NULL,
[servicefeesbnp] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1CC2] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1CC3] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1DM1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1DM2] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1DM3] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1DM4] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1DM5] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1DTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1LTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1MM1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1MM2] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1MM3] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1MM4] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1MM5] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1MTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1QM1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1QM2] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1QM3] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1QTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1WTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1WW1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1WW2] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1WW3] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1YM1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1YM2] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees1YTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees2CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees2CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees3CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees3CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees4CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees4CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees5CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees5CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees6CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees6CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees7CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees7CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees8CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees8CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees9CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees9CC1] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees10CTD] [money] NULL,
[TransactionFees10CC1] [money] NULL,
[ActuarialServCharges] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeDTD] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeDM1] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeDM2] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeWTD] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeWW1] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeWW2] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeCTD] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeCC1] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeCC2] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeMTD] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeMM1] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeMM2] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeQTD] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeQM1] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeQM2] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeYTD] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeYM1] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeYM2] [money] NULL,
[ServiceChargeLTD] [money] NULL,
[LastDebitAmount] [money] NULL,
[NoTranFees1CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees1CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees1CC2] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees1CC3] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees1MTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees1YTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees1LTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees2CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees2CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees3CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees3CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees4CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees4CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees5CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees5CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees6CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees6CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees7CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees7CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees8CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees8CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees9CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees9CC1] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees10CTD] [int] NULL,
[NoTranFees10CC1] [int] NULL,
[DateofLastDebit] [datetime] NULL,
[AmtTFee1CTDAccumltor] [money] NULL,
[AmtTFee1CC1Accumltor] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesCC3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesDM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesDM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesDM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesDM4] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesDM5] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesDTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesLTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesMM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesMM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesMM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesMM4] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesMM5] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesQM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesQM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesQM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesQTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesWTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesWW1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesWW2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesWW3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesYM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesYM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPurchasesYTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesCC2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesCC3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesCTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesDM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesDM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesDM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesDM4] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesDM5] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesMM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesMM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesMM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesMM4] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesMM5] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesQM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesQM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesQM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesQTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesWTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesWW1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesWW2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesWW3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesYM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesYM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPurchasesYTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsCC3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsLTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsMM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsMM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsMM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsMM4] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsMM5] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsQM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsQM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsQM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsQTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsWTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsWW1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsWW2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsWW3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsYM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsYM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsYTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsCC2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsCC3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsCTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsMM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsMM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsMM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsMM4] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsMM5] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsQM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsQM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsQM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsQTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsWTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsWW1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsWW2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsWW3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsYM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsYM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsYTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsCC3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsDM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsDM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsDM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsDM4] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsDM5] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsDTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsLTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsMM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsMM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsMM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsMM4] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsMM5] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsQM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsQM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsQM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsQTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsWTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsWW1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsWW2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsWW3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsYM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsYM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfReturnsYTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsCC2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsCC3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsCTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsDM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsDM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsDM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsDM4] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsDM5] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsMM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsMM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsMM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsMM4] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsMM5] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsQM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsQM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsQM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsQTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsWTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsWW1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsWW2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsWW3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsYM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsYM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfReturnsYTD] [money] NULL,
[LastPurchaseAmount] [money] NULL,
[LastPurchaseDate] [datetime] NULL,
[BeginningBalance] [money] NULL,
[LastReturnAmount] [money] NULL,
[LastReturnDate] [datetime] NULL,
[AmountOfTotalDue] [money] NULL,
[collectionfeesbnp] [money] NULL,
[overlimitbnp] [money] NULL,
[recoveryfeesbnp] [money] NULL,
[IntBilledNotPaid] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesBNP] [money] NULL,
[insurancefeesbnp] [money] NULL,
[AccruedInterestHeld] [money] NULL,
[paidoutdate] [datetime] NULL,
[pmtlastreq] [money] NULL,
[ratechgeffdate] [datetime] NULL,
[planseghighbalctd] [money] NULL,
[stmtbegbal] [money] NULL,
[internalstmtbegbal] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesBilledNotPaid] [money] NULL,
[latefeesbnp] [money] NULL,
[LastPaymentAmt] [money] NULL,
[lastpmtdate] [datetime] NULL,
[AmtOfAcctHighBalLTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsCC3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsDM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsDM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsDM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsDM4] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsDM5] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsDTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsLTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsMM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsMM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsMM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsMM4] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsMM5] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsQM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsQM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsQM3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsQTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsWTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsWW1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsWW2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsWW3] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsYM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsYM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfPaymentsYTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsCC2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsCC3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsCTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsDM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsDM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsDM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsDM4] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsDM5] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsMM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsMM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsMM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsMM4] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsMM5] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsQM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsQM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsQM3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsQTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsWTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsWW1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsWW2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsWW3] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsYM1] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsYM2] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfPaymentsYTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC4] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC5] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC6] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC7] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC8] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC9] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC10] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCC11] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestCTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestDM1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestDM2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestDM3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestDM4] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestDM5] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestMM1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestMM2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestMM3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestMM4] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestMM5] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestQM1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestQM2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestQM3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestQTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestWTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestWW1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestWW2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestWW3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestYM1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestYM2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfInterestYTD] [money] NULL,
[NoCreditPlanSegments] [int] NULL,
[MembershipFeesDTD] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesDM1] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesDM2] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesWTD] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesWW1] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesWW2] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesCTD] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesCC1] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesCC2] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesMTD] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesMM1] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesMM2] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesQTD] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesQM1] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesQM2] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesYTD] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesYM1] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesYM2] [money] NULL,
[MembershipFeesLTD] [money] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesDTD] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesDM1] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesDM2] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesWTD] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesWW1] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesWW2] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesCTD] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesCC1] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesCC2] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesMTD] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesMM1] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesMM2] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesQTD] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesQM1] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesQM2] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesYTD] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesYM1] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesYM2] [int] NULL,
[NoOfMembershipFeesLTD] [int] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesCC2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesCC3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesCTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesDM1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesDM2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesDM3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesDM4] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesDM5] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesMM1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesMM2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesMM3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesMM4] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesMM5] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesQM1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesQM2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesQM3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesQTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesWTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesWW1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesWW2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesWW3] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesYM1] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesYM2] [money] NULL,
[AmtOfOvrLimitFeesYTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesDM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesDM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesDTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesLTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesMM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesMM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesQM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesQM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesQTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesWTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesWW1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesWW2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesYM1] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesYM2] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfOverlimitFeesYTD] [int] NULL,
[NSFFeesCC1] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesCC2] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesCC3] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesCTD] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesDM1] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesDM2] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesDM3] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesDM4] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesDM5] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesDTD] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesLTD] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesMM1] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesMM2] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesMM3] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesMM4] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesMM5] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesMTD] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesQM1] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesQM2] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesQM3] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesQTD] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesWTD] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesWW1] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesWW2] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesWW3] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesYM1] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesYM2] [money] NULL,
[NSFFeesYTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesCC01] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesCC02] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesDM01] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesDM02] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesDTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesLTD] [int] NULL,
[NOOfNSFFeesMM1] [int] NULL,
[NOOfNSFFeesMM2] [int] NULL,
[NoOfNSFFeesMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesQM01] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesQM02] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesQTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesWTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesWW01] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesWW02] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesYM01] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesYM02] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfNSFFeesYTD] [int] NULL,
[RecoveryFeesCTD] [money] NULL,
[RecoveryFeesCC1] [money] NULL,
[RecoveryFeesCC2] [money] NULL,
[RecoveryFeesMTD] [money] NULL,
[RecoveryFeesYTD] [money] NULL,
[RecoveryFeesLTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberRecoveryFeesCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberRecoveryFeesCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberRecoveryFeesCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberRecoveryFeesMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberRecoveryFeesYTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberRecoveryFeesLTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberSChargesCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberSChargesCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberSChargesCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberSChargesMTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberSChargesYTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberSChargesLTD] [int] NULL,
[NewTransactionsBSFC] [money] NULL,
[NewTransactionsAccrued] [money] NULL,
[NewTransactionsAgg] [money] NULL,
[RevolvingBSFC] [money] NULL,
[RevolvingAccrued] [money] NULL,
[RevolvingAgg] [money] NULL,
[TotalAccruedInterest] [money] NULL,
[InterestPerDiem] [money] NULL,
[AfterCycleRevolvBSFC] [money] NULL,
[DeferredAccrued] [money] NULL,
[DeferredAggregate] [money] NULL,
[FirstPurchaseDate] [datetime] NULL,
[AggBalanceCTD] [money] NULL,
[AggBalanceCC1] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjInsCTD] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjInsCC1] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns2CTD] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns2CC1] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns3CTD] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns3CC1] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns4CTD] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns4CC1] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns5CTD] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns5CC1] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns6CTD] [money] NULL,
[BalSubjIns6CC1] [money] NULL,
[DtOfAcctHighBalLTD] [datetime] NULL,
[PurchaseBalance] [money] NULL,
[amtcaadvreturnsCTD] [money] NULL,
[nocaadvreturnsCTD] [int] NULL,
[amtcaadvreturnsCC1] [money] NULL,
[nocaadvreturnsCC1] [int] NULL,
[amtcaadvreturnsYTD] [money] NULL,
[nocaadvreturnsYTD] [int] NULL,
[amtcaadvreturnsLTD] [money] NULL,
[nocaadvreturnsLTD] [int] NULL,
[amtcaadvreturnsCC2] [money] NULL,
[nocaadvreturnsCC2] [int] NULL,
[amtcaadvreturnsMTD] [money] NULL,
[nocaadvreturnsMTD] [int] NULL,
[amtpsereturnsCTD] [money] NULL,
[nopsereturnsCTD] [int] NULL,
[amtpsereturnsCC1] [money] NULL,
[nopsereturnsCC1] [int] NULL,
[amtpsereturnsYTD] [money] NULL,
[nopsereturnsYTD] [int] NULL,
[amtpsereturnsLTD] [money] NULL,
[nopsereturnsLTD] [int] NULL,
[amtpsereturnsCC2] [money] NULL,
[nopsereturnsCC2] [int] NULL,
[amtpsereturnsMTD] [money] NULL,
[nopsereturnsMTD] [int] NULL,
[CollectionFeesCTD] [money] NULL,
[NoOfCollectionFeesCTD] [int] NULL,
[CollectionFeesCC1] [money] NULL,
[NoOfCollectionFeesCC1] [int] NULL,
[CollectionFeesCC2] [money] NULL,
[NoOfCollectionFeesCC2] [int] NULL,
[CollectionFeesMTD] [money] NULL,
[NoOfCollectionFeesMTD] [int] NULL,
[CollectionFeesYTD] [money] NULL,
[NoOfCollectionFeesYTD] [int] NULL,
[CollectionFeesLTD] [money] NULL,
[NoOfCollectionFeesLTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfChecksCTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfChecksCTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfChecksCC1] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfChecksCC1] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfChecksCC2] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfChecksCC2] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfChecksMTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfChecksMTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfChecksYTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfChecksYTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfChecksLTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfChecksLTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsDTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsDM1] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsDM1] [money] NULL,
[NbrGenDebitsDTD] [int] NULL,
[NbrGenDebitsDD1] [int] NULL,
[AmtGenDebitsDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtGenDebitsDD1] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsDTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsDM1] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsDM1] [money] NULL,
[NbrGenCreditsDTD] [int] NULL,
[NbrGenCreditsDD1] [int] NULL,
[AmtGenCreditsDTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtGenCreditsDD1] [money] NULL,
[LastCreditAmount] [money] NULL,
[LastCreditDate] [datetime] NULL,
[LateChargesCTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfLateFeesCTD] [int] NULL,
[LateChargesMTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfLateFeesMTD] [int] NULL,
[LateChargesYTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfLateFeesYTD] [int] NULL,
[LateChargesLTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfLateFeesLTD] [int] NULL,
[nodispMTD] [int] NULL,
[nodispCTD] [int] NULL,
[nodispYTD] [int] NULL,
[nodispLTD] [int] NULL,
[amtdispMTD] [money] NULL,
[amtdispCTD] [money] NULL,
[amtdispYTD] [money] NULL,
[amtdispLTD] [money] NULL,
[DisputesAmtNS] [money] NULL,
[DisputesCountNS] [int] NULL,
[CashAdvanceFeesCTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvanceFeesCC1] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvanceFeesCC2] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvanceFeesYTD] [money] NULL,
[CashAdvanceFeesLTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberCashAdvFeesCTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberCashAdvFeesCC1] [int] NULL,
[NumberCashAdvFeesCC2] [int] NULL,
[NumberCashAdvFeesYTD] [int] NULL,
[NumberCashAdvFeesLTD] [int] NULL,
[InsuranceCTD] [money] NULL,
[InsuranceCC1] [money] NULL,
[InsuranceCC2] [money] NULL,
[InsuranceLTD] [money] NULL,
[InsuranceYTD] [money] NULL,
[InsuranceYM1] [money] NULL,
[InsuranceYM2] [money] NULL,
[CpsFirstUsageDate] [datetime] NULL,
[CPSChargeOffStatus] [char](5) NULL,
[currentbalanceco] [money] NULL,
[totalamountco] [money] NULL,
[principalco] [money] NULL,
[interestbnpco] [money] NULL,
[latefeesbnpco] [money] NULL,
[membershipfeesbnpco] [money] NULL,
[nsffeesbnpco] [money] NULL,
[overlimitfeesbnpco] [money] NULL,
[servicefeesbnpco] [money] NULL,
[collectionfeesbnpco] [money] NULL,
[insurancefeesbnpco] [money] NULL,
[recoveryfeesbnpco] [money] NULL,
[SystemStatus] [int] NULL,
[InterestStartDate] [datetime] NULL,
[InterestDefermentStatus] [char](5) NULL,
[InterestDisposition] [char](5) NULL,
[DeferredIntTranCode] [char](8) NULL,
[PaymentStartDate] [datetime] NULL,
[PaymentDefermentStatus] [char](5) NULL,
[PrePaidAmount] [money] NULL,
[PrepaymentCounter] [int] NULL,
[PrevCycleGrace] [char](5) NULL,
[CpmPrevCycleGrace] [char](5) NULL,
[PrevCycleFC] [money] NULL,
[PrevCycleDeferredFC] [money] NULL,
[DeferredIntAtExpCancel] [money] NULL,
[TotalBSFC] [money] NULL,
[DefermentCancelLevel] [char](5) NULL,
[DefermentCancelType] [char](5) NULL,
[DaysInCycle] [int] NULL,
[SingleSaleTranID] [decimal](19, 0) NULL,
[PurgeDate] [datetime] NULL,
[AmtOfPayCurrDue] [money] NULL,
[AmtGenIntCredits] [money] NULL,
[InterestDeferSatisfyFlag] [int] NULL,
[DeferredAggDays] [int] NULL,
[DeferredAccruedCTD] [money] NULL,
[DeferredAccruedCC1] [money] NULL,
[interestplanoverride] [int] NULL,
[IPOstartdate] [datetime] NULL,
[IPOenddate] [datetime] NULL,
[SoldierSailorAct] [int] NULL,
[ChargeOffDate] [datetime] NULL,
[OrigInterestStartDate] [datetime] NULL,
[OrigPaymentStartDate] [datetime] NULL,
[InvoiceNo] [varchar](20) NULL,
[DateOfTotalDue] [datetime] NULL,
[NextAgingDate] [datetime] NULL,
[DateOfDelinquency] [datetime] NULL,
[daysdelinquent] [int] NULL,
[NoPayDaysDelinquent] [int] NULL,
[DtOfLastDelinqCTD] [datetime] NULL,
[PastDueRangeAmt1] [money] NULL,
[PastDueRangeAmt2] [money] NULL,
[PastDueRangeAmt3] [money] NULL,
[PastDueRangeAmt4] [money] NULL,
[PastDueRangeAmt5] [money] NULL,
[PastDueRangeAmt6] [money] NULL,
[PastDueRangeAmt7] [money] NULL,
[PastDueRangeAmt8] [money] NULL,
[PastDueRangeCnt1] [int] NULL,
[PastDueRangeCnt2] [int] NULL,
[PastDueRangeCnt3] [int] NULL,
[PastDueRangeCnt4] [int] NULL,
[PastDueRangeCnt5] [int] NULL,
[PastDueRangeCnt6] [int] NULL,
[PastDueRangeCnt7] [int] NULL,
[PastDueRangeCnt8] [int] NULL,
[AmtInterestCreditsCTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtInterestCreditsCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmtInterestCreditsCC2] [money] NULL,
[AmtInterestCreditsCC3] [money] NULL,
[AmtInterestCreditsYTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtInterestCreditsLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtGenInterestCreditsCC1] [money] NULL,
[AmtGenInterestCreditsYTD] [money] NULL,
[AmtGenInterestCreditsLTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfDebitsRevCTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfDebitsRevCTD] [money] NULL,
[NumberOfCreditsRevCTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountOfCreditsRevCTD] [money] NULL,
[DeInterestAdjustment] [money] NULL,
[LateFeeAdjustment] [money] NULL,
[LastLateFeeAmt] [money] NULL,
[DatelastlateFee] [datetime] NULL,
[DeCurrentBalance_TranTime_PS] [money] NULL,
[DeferredIntAtPayOut] [money] NULL,
[InsuranceAdjustment] [money] NULL,
[OrigEqualPmtAmt] [money] NULL,
[InvoiceNumber] [varchar](12) NULL,
[OrigFixedPaymentAmt] [money] NULL,
[CurrentDue] [money] NULL,
[AdditivesBal] [money] NULL,
[DisbursementBal] [money] NULL,
[FuelBal] [money] NULL,
[MaintenanceBal] [money] NULL,
[MiscBal] [money] NULL,
[AmountSecDepCredit] [money] NULL,
[AmountSecDepCreditLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountSecDepCreditMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountSecDepCreditYTD] [money] NULL,
[CountSecDepCredit] [int] NULL,
[CountSecDepCreditLTD] [int] NULL,
[CountSecDepCreditMTD] [int] NULL,
[CountSecDepCreditYTD] [int] NULL,
[AmountSecDepDebit] [money] NULL,
[AmountSecDepDebitLTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountSecDepDebitMTD] [money] NULL,
[AmountSecDepDebitYTD] [money] NULL,
[CountSecDepDebit] [int] NULL,
[CountSecDepDebitLTD] [int] NULL,
[CountSecDepDebitMTD] [int] NULL,
[CountSecDepDebitYTD] [int] NULL,
[accessID] [int] NULL,
[RLSKey] [varchar](128) NULL,
[FuelBalCO] [money] NULL,
[MaintenanceBalCO] [money] NULL,
[AdditivesBalCO] [money] NULL,
[DisbursementBalCO] [money] NULL,
[MiscBalCO] [money] NULL,
[CashBalanceCO] [money] NULL,
[lastpmtdatePS] [datetime] NULL,
[DatePaidInFull] [datetime] NULL,
[DaysActive] [varchar](5) NULL,
[LoadsAmount] [money] NULL,
[tpyNAD] [datetime] NULL,
[tpyLAD] [datetime] NULL,
[tpyBlob] [text] NULL,
[LoadsBalance] [money] NULL,
[acctId] ASC
______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
March 24, 2011 at 2:42 pm
If you're going from SQL Server to SQL Server I would use the native option of bcp instead of character ( -c ). Not only will it be faster but it will take the potential for any character-conversion issues you might be experiencing off the table without having to find the root cause 😉
There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.
March 24, 2011 at 3:31 pm
If I remove -c then I have to supply the datatype individually for every column...which in the case of this table is well over 950 columns!!! Is there an alternate switch?
______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
March 24, 2011 at 3:42 pm
opc_three is referring to using the -n switch (for native format) instead of -c.
This does not prompt for field formats either
March 25, 2011 at 10:02 am
Okay...tried this, not much success...
(Actually I've tried it both ways now and still get errors)
bcp " SELECT * FROM COREACQUIRE.dbo.Auth_Primary WITH(READUNCOMMITTED) WHERE PostTime < CONVERT(varchar(50), DATEADD(mm, -6, GETDATE()) , 101) " queryout "E:\Auth_Primary_Archive.dat" -T -c
bcp "COREACQUIRE_ARCHIVE.dbo.CCard_Primary" in E:\Auth_Primary_Archive.dat /ee:log.txt -T -c -q /b 50000 -h "TABLOCK"
Here's the cmd-window output:
Starting copy...
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
SQLState = 22008, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Invalid date format
BCP copy in failed
Here's the first record in the Error output file:
#@ Row 1, Column 20: Invalid date format @#
<NULL><NULL>67410342010-04-20 14:53:31.0002010-04-20 14:53:31.00094 <NULL>3<NULL>0<NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL>00001<NULL><NULL>94 1 <NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL>3 <NULL><NULL>lclUnitedStates <NULL><NULL><NULL>PL1220000000100001060.00002010-04-20 14:49:21.0000717652010-04-20 14:53:31.000<NULL><NULL>9010000000<NULL>00<NULL>202<NULL>51 <NULL><NULL><NULL>.0000<NULL>000001=456754000000395263000422051 0092 <NULL>000\ <NULL><NULL>840<NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL>0110000091332010-04-20 14:53:31.00001234 005542.000041968150602 173797 1 3.0000.0000.00000
What's weird about this is: THERE IS NO DATE FIELD IN COLUMN 20 (OR ANYWHERE NEAR THAT COLUMN). The only date fields are at columns 4,5,14,40,42,43,44,62...etc
bcp " SELECT * FROM COREACQUIRE.dbo.Auth_Primary WITH(READUNCOMMITTED) WHERE PostTime < CONVERT(varchar(50), DATEADD(mm, -6, GETDATE()) , 101) " queryout "E:\Auth_Primary_Archive.dat" -T -n
bcp "COREACQUIRE_ARCHIVE.dbo.CCard_Primary" in E:\Auth_Primary_Archive.dat /ee:log.txt -T -n -q /b 50000 -h "TABLOCK"
Here's the cmd-window output:
Starting copy...
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
SQLState = 22003, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]Numeric value out of range
SQLState = 22001, NativeError = 0
Error = [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation
BCP copy in failed
Here's the first record in the Error output file:
#@ Row 1, Column 18: String data, right truncation @#
<NULL><NULL>67410342010-04-20 14:53:31.0002010-04-20 14:53:31.00094 <NULL>3<NULL>0<NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL>014861141968100 ÿÿ-22739192309.34887371-12-23 779:38:49.547_ü<NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL>354466715908388.8688ÿ^<NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL>UnitedStates ÿÿÿÿÿ,&ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ<NULL><NULL>005541<NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL><NULL>
** It's a completely different error, and looks to have changed the data completely! It's moved data around in the columns and there's weird jargon ",&ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ"
Any thoughts?
I can't believe extracting data out, then attempting to put it right back in could be such a problem...I mean, it's extracted from a table to a file, then inserted back into THE EXACT SAME TABLE. How can there be so many issues???
______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
March 25, 2011 at 10:42 am
I would like to help...can you provide the DDL for both tables attached as a .sql file and maybe some DML to create a few rows. This way I can setup a basic version of your env here and get you a bcp command that works.
There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.
March 28, 2011 at 9:54 am
Thanks for your help, attached is tsql to create the table and 1000 rows of test data in CSV format
______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
March 28, 2011 at 10:38 am
Can you please provide the definition of the source table as well?
There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.
March 28, 2011 at 11:12 am
It is identical, just remove the "_Archive"
______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience
March 28, 2011 at 11:27 am
I asked for the source table (expecting it to be different) because I am having trouble confirming the data in the file came from a table with the definition you provided. I went through a few iterations trying to import the file into the table and here are my findings...
On my first attempt to import the data I receive this conversion error:
Error converting data type varchar to numeric.
I got rid of that error by removing all columns from the import up to and including RevTgt. Then I started getting:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
That error went away after removing all columns up to and including TransmissionDateTime which moved me on to error:
String or binary data would be truncated.
:unsure: At this point I would recommend that you reconcile your source and destination schemas very carefully. Als, are you using bcp out or bcp queryout to get your data from the source table?
There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.
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