Blog Post

PASS Summit Logo Design Contest


It appears our success with the SQLRally Logo Design Contest has struck a chord with PASS HQ. This morning Rick Heiges (Blog | Twitter) made an announcement on Twitter:

Summit Logo Contest Announcement

I'm absolutely thrilled that PASS thought highly enough of our SQLRally contest results to run the same kind of contest for THE top SQL conference in the world. I'm equally excited to see what kind of logos we get. One of the lessons the SQLRally team learned from the previous contest was that some designers may hold back their best work from open contests in an attempt to keep other people from copying their ideas. In that vein, this new contest is "blind" - designers can only see their own entries and submitted designs won't be revealed until the contest ends.

Interested in entering? Go check out the design brief. Hurry though, the contest is only open for one week!


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