Inner join help

  • Hi everyone,

    My query seems to be counting records a lot more than once since I'm using an inner join. The query results are inaccurate and I can't figure it out since I don't use SQL much.

    Query by Day by User (Works)

    SELECT Prod.Dtdate as Date

    ,Prod.iAssociateID as ID


    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 1 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF1

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 2 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF2

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 3 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF3

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 4 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF4

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 5 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF5

    ,Prod.iCallsAnswered as Calls

    ,Prod.iTIASeconds as TIA

    ,Prod.iNPPSeconds as NPP

    ,Prod.iBreakSeconds as Breaks


    [dbCreditData].[dbo].[vw_Credit_ProdData] Prod


    JOIN (SELECT DateCompleted, AssocID, Name, MainFunction_ID, SubFunction_ID, Completed, UserID FROM [dbCreditData].[dbo].[tbl_pt_Completed] GROUP BY DateCompleted, AssocID, Name, MainFunction_ID, SubFunction_ID, Completed, UserID) Comp ON Prod.iAssociateID = Comp.AssocID and Prod.dtDate = Comp.DateCompleted


    Prod.dtDate Between '05/11/10' and '05/12/10' and Prod.iTIASeconds > 0 and Comp.MainFunction_id = 1

    GROUP by








    ORDER by













    Query by Day (TIA, NPP, Breaks are wrong)


    Prod.dtdate as Date

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 1 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF1

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 2 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF2

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 3 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF3

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 4 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF4

    ,sum(case when Comp.SubFunction_ID = 5 then Comp.Completed else 0 end) as SF5

    ,Sum(Prod.iCallsAnswered) as Calls

    ,Sum(Prod.iTIASeconds) as TIA

    ,Sum(Prod.iNPPSeconds) as NPP

    ,Sum(Prod.iBreakSeconds) as Breaks


    [dbCreditData].[dbo].[vw_Credit_ProdData] Prod


    JOIN (SELECT DateCompleted, AssocID, MainFunction_ID, SubFunction_ID, Completed FROM [dbCreditData].[dbo].[tbl_pt_Completed] GROUP BY DateCompleted, AssocID, MainFunction_ID, SubFunction_ID, Completed) Comp ON Prod.iAssociateID = Comp.AssocID and Prod.dtDate = Comp.DateCompleted


    Prod.dtDate Between '05/11/10' and '05/12/10' and Prod.iTIASeconds > 0 and Comp.MainFunction_ID = 1

    GROUP by


    ORDER by






    Expected Results




    On The dbCreditData.dbo.tbl_pt_Completed table there are multiple records for each associate id on each day because they create a record for each SubFunction_ID. On the dbCreditData.dbo.vw_Credit_ProdData table there is only one record per associate id.

    Here are the table Columns

    dbCreditData.dbo.vw_Credit_ProdData Columns








    dbCreditData.dbo.tbl_pt_Completed Columns











    I'm using T SQL on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2008

  • Rando (6/9/2010)

    On The dbCreditData.dbo.tbl_pt_Completed table there are multiple records for each associate id on each day because they create a record for each SubFunction_ID.

    Your Breaks is the sum of your iBreaksSeconds. So do you want the sum over all the SubFunction_ID?

    I can't test anything out for you or see where the problem lies because I don't have any sample data. See the link below to see how you can be better assisted.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • bteraberry (6/9/2010)

    Rando (6/9/2010)

    On The dbCreditData.dbo.tbl_pt_Completed table there are multiple records for each associate id on each day because they create a record for each SubFunction_ID.

    Your Breaks is the sum of your iBreaksSeconds. So do you want the sum over all the SubFunction_ID?

    I can't test anything out for you or see where the problem lies because I don't have any sample data. See the link below to see how you can be better assisted.

    Well the Breaks, NPP, and TIA are coming from the Prod table, which doesn't break out each day by SubFunction. On the Prod table there is 1 record for each associate on each day that has their total Breaks, NPP, TIA. The SubFunction totals are coming from the Comp table, which has a record for each SubFunction along with the completed amount (Thats why I use the Sum(Case) to display all the SubFunctions on a single line). I'll work on getting you that test date (never done it before so may take me some time...)

  • Create Completed Table

    CREATE TABLE pt_Completed

    (ID int not null PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY,

    MainFunction_id smallint not null,

    SubFunction_id smallint not null,

    UserID int not null,

    AssocID char(8) not null,

    RACF varchar(10) not null,

    Name varchar(50) not null,

    Completed int not null,

    DateCompleted datetime not null,

    DateSubmitted datetime not null)

    Create Prod Table

    CREATE TABLE pt_ProdData

    (dtDate date null,

    iAssociateID int null,

    iCallsAnswered int null,

    iNPPSeconds int null,

    iTIASeconds int null,

    iBreakSeconds int null,

    iCTCompleted int null)

    Completed Table test data

    INSERT INTO pt_Completed (ID, MainFunction_id, SubFunction_id, UserID, AssocID, RACF, Name, Completed, DateCompleted, DateSubmitted)

    SELECT '16','1','1','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','41','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 07:14:07.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '17','1','1','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','40','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 07:44:54.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '18','1','5','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','48','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 08:16:15.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '19','1','1','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','28','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 08:40:04.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '20','1','1','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','12','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 08:52:29.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '22','1','4','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','1','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 10:28:59.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '23','1','5','10','91067628','zr0tub','Blah2','33','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 10:45:44.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '24','1','4','10','91067628','zr0tub','Blah2','3','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 10:50:22.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '25','1','1','10','91067628','zr0tub','Blah2','160','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 10:50:41.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '26','1','4','10','91067628','zr0tub','Blah2','2','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 10:58:32.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '27','1','4','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','1','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 13:25:30.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '28','1','4','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','2','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 14:05:03.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '29','1','5','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','6','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 14:05:17.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '30','1','1','10','91067628','zr0tub','Blah2','24','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 14:22:03.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '31','1','1','10','91067628','zr0tub','Blah2','13','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 15:21:01.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '32','1','3','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','4','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 15:21:03.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '33','1','1','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','22','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 15:21:23.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '34','1','1','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','22','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 17:58:22.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '35','1','4','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','3','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 17:58:34.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '36','1','3','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','5','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 17:58:40.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '37','1','5','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','46','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 17:58:53.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '38','1','1','22','91049233','zr0j5s','Blah4','89','2010-05-12 00:00:00.000','2010-05-12 21:20:50.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1','1','5','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','64','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 09:46:43.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2','1','1','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','182','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 09:46:56.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '3','1','4','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','2','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 11:12:46.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '4','1','5','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','12','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 11:12:57.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '5','1','1','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','4','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 12:59:23.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '6','1','1','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','25','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 14:55:35.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '7','1','3','20','91951079','zr0sam','Blah1','1','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 14:56:00.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '8','1','4','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','3','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 15:05:58.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '9','1','5','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','13','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 15:06:10.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '10','1','1','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','3','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 15:06:18.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '11','1','3','12','91075955','zr0jpd','Blah3','5','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 17:25:36.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '12','1','1','23','91032112','zr1a2k','Blah5','67','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 18:59:44.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '13','1','1','22','91049233','zr0j5s','Blah4','55','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 21:17:15.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '14','1','4','22','91049233','zr0j5s','Blah4','1','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 21:17:33.000' UNION ALL

    SELECT '15','1','5','22','91049233','zr0j5s','Blah4','16','2010-05-11 00:00:00.000','2010-05-11 21:17:47.000' UNION ALL

    Prod Table test data (keep in mind there are many, many, other records in this table that aren't for associates I'm looking for. I provided only the exact data the query should be pulling)

    INSERT INTO pt_ProdData (dtDate,iAssociateID,iCallsAnswered,iNPPSeconds,iTIASeconds,iBreakSeconds,iCTCompleted)

    SELECT '2010-05-11','91032112','45','0','36540','2700','67' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-05-11','91049233','17','0','14760','900','72' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-05-12','91049233','30','0','14280','900','89' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-05-12','91067628','30','0','29040','1800','235' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-05-11','91075955','25','0','26760','1800','28' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-05-12','91075955','32','0','28620','1800','76' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-05-11','91951079','19','0','28980','1800','286' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-05-12','91951079','25','0','28980','1800','205' UNION ALL

  • This returns the expected results from your first post:

    select prod.dtDate,












    select dtDate,

    SUM(iCallsAnswered) as Calls,

    SUM(iTIASeconds) as TIA,

    SUM(iNPPSeconds) as NPP,

    SUM(iBreakSeconds) as Breaks

    from pt_ProdData

    group by dtDate

    ) prod



    select DateCompleted,

    sum(case when SubFunction_ID = 1 then Completed else 0 end) as SF1,

    sum(case when SubFunction_ID = 2 then Completed else 0 end) as SF2,

    sum(case when SubFunction_ID = 3 then Completed else 0 end) as SF3,

    sum(case when SubFunction_ID = 4 then Completed else 0 end) as SF4,

    sum(case when SubFunction_ID = 5 then Completed else 0 end) as SF5

    from pt_Completed

    group by DateCompleted

    ) comp

    on prod.dtDate = comp.DateCompleted

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Thanks. I'm not able to test this yet since they took our server down today and are migrating it to a different server.

    I've never seen SQL like that before. Was there any way to get the same results using the same method I was doing?

  • Rando (6/10/2010)

    Thanks. I'm not able to test this yet since they took our server down today and are migrating it to a different server.

    I've never seen SQL like that before. Was there any way to get the same results using the same method I was doing?

    The problem was the level that you were grouping. One table had multiple records for the same ID, so when you joined and then re-grouped on the ID you got your unintended results. Really the only thing I changed was to get the 1-on-1 relationship between the two derived tables.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

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