Disk space monitering

  • Hi All,

    I am looking for automated script for disk space monitering on my production server. After searching on internet i found xp_fixeddrives which is undocumented procedure which gives the info about drives and space.

    Another artical found was on the link below:


    Again after googling the info regarding xp_fixeddrives and enabling ole automation may lead to security issues.

    I confused what to do exactly. What if i use undocumented procedure and what is the risk if i enable the ole automation on the server.

    What is the risk of using the above option? Is it right to use or not

    Please Guide.

  • Xp_fixeddrives works in most cases. However you have to be careful if your SAN Admin is using Mount points on a drive, It will not give you the true space available. I found out the hard way. Just depend on how your SAN Admin creates drives or Mount Points. So I like to use the Xp_cmdshell 'Dir' approach. Again Most of the time you can use the Xp_fixeddrives

  • Hi Kevi,

    Thanks for your reply. Can u plz brief @ SAN Mount points and their types.

  • I have mount drives in my system , but for me ...the command xp_cmdshell 'Dir' couldn't be found

  • xp_cmdshell is another extended stored procedure. 'Dir' is the place you have to put the parameter for that sp. You can use DOS commands like DIR, CD, DEL, COPY, etc... by using xp_cmdshell.

    One ounce of practice is more important than tonnes of dreams

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