I just installed 2008 R2 on my laptop and I'm noticing some strange behavior. I start Management Studio, open a Query Window to DB ABC, execute a Query, Change the Database to DB XYZ in the drop down menu. At that point if I open Activity Monitor I'll see two active connections (in addition to the ones associated with Activity Monitor itself). One of the connections will be for ABC and the other for XYZ. The connection for ABC has the following SQL Text:
DECLARE @edition sysname; SET @edition = cast(SERVERPROPERTY(N'EDITION') as sysname); select case when @edition = N'SQL Azure' then 1 else 0 end as 'IsCloud'
It seems like this connection lingers for a while (a few minutes?) and then disappears. Any ideas how I can prevent this from happening? Thanks in advance for any help!