Bcp QueryOut

  • Hi,

    i want to create a xml output file from the result. I can generate the xml file using the below query. But the problem is the file is created in the server. I want to create a file in local machine. Can anyone to help me to solve this problem.


    -- Sample export via bcp



    @FileName VARCHAR(50),

    @SQLCmd VARCHAR(500)


    @FileName = 'C:\Temp\SampleXMLOutput1.xml'

    --in this command, we are making sure there is only one ROOT node

    SELECT @SQLCmd = 'bcp '

    + '"SELECT APPLICATION_NAME FROM PARTI.dbo.applications '

    + ' FOR XML PATH(''''), ROOT(''dbappid''), TYPE "'

    + ' queryout '

    + @FileName

    + ' -w -T -S' + @@SERVERNAME

    -- display command, for visual check

    SELECT @SQLCmd AS 'Command to execute'

    -- create the XML file

    EXECUTE master..xp_cmdshell @SQLCmd



  • If you are running the whole script from the server, then this is the bit you need to change:-


    @FileName = 'C:\Temp\SampleXMLOutput1.xml'

    It needs to refer to the local machine using a UNC name, e.g.


    @FileName = '\\localmachine\c\Temp\SampleXMLOutput1.xml'

    But, beware, you will need to make sure that the SQL Service is running under an account that will be able to make a network connection to the local machine.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. But dont have a network connection to the local machine.

    Is it possible to create a file in local machine using batch file?



  • Sure, get out of SSMS and go to a cmd prompt on your local machine...then run the BCP command your T-SQL outputs directly:

    bcp "SELECT APPLICATION_NAME FROM PARTI.dbo.applications FOR XML PATH(''), ROOT('dbappid'), TYPE " queryout C:\Temp\SampleXMLOutput1.xml -w -T -SKSA0356460VD4\SQLEXPRESS_2008

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • If there is no network connection between the Server and the Local machine, then how are you going to move anything from the Server to the Local machine?

  • Use USB flash drive 🙂

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